Berth=床位, Sleeping Compartment=房間,
Berth 通常都是4或6人床位, Compartment是2人床位, 上下格床。
因為 Sleeping Compartment 有兩個床位, 如果1個人訂 Compartment 都要俾兩人錢。
只有Express Train 274的火車分上下層, 下層冇獨立廁所, 上層既就有, 所有如果要獨立廁所就要揀Upper Deck的sleeping compartment。不過VR改左新版面後, 沒有upper deck / lower deck選擇, 換來的是special request度揀。
可以在special request度選擇 Sleeping Compartment for two person - ensuite shower
網上可以睇360 VIEW
揀好晒, 就按Confirmed!
總數係 EUR $118/ two person
特價位平左 EUR $58.78, 好開心呀!!!
完成後, 就選擇payment方法, 進入payment畫面。
收到confirmation letter, 可以自行print出來或save起。
但係未有得揀位住, 最快要出發前60日內才可以揀位。
Please note!
Over 60 days to the start of the trip. Get exact seat booking information 60 days before the trip at the earliest.
- As a registered customer you can then book seats in Online Shop by logging in and by opening the order on your 'My orders' list
- otherwise seats can be booked by giving the order number on the order confirmation at station ticket offices
- or by phone from VR Customer Care, tel 0600 41 900 (€1 /answered call + local network charge)