找到一個網站, 俾你認識世界各地的筆友
International Pen Friendshttp://www.europa-pages.com/epals.html筆友分類有幾種, 可以從興趣尋找, 亦可以從語言尋找
General Penpals
For people looking to
find general interest penpals from around the world. Sections include
Travel, Sports, Cinema/TV, Music & Computing.
Language Penpals
For people wanting to
practice their language skills or exchange language learning tips and
ideas. Also find out about the life and culture of another country.
School PenpalsFor TEACHERS ONLY!
This is for teachers looking for a class email exchange for their
school, in order to practice language skills or learn about life in
another country.
英文 / 法文 / 西班牙文 / 德文 / 其他你可以在分類中尋找你有興趣的人, 主動send e-mail給對方
亦可開個acc出post, 等待合適的人主動尋找你
登記手續好簡單, 只需填寫一些簡單資料
Name / Main Aim / My Country / My Age / My Sex / I Speak / I Also Speak同埋e-mail就搞掂!
Main Aim果欄仲有得揀
Contact with native-speakers / Language practice exchange / Learn about the culture of the country(ies)我已經登記左了, 有興趣的話你都試下啦:)
感謝 AABB遊世界 提供以上資料
AABB遊世界的網誌: http://aabbhappytravel.blogspot.hk/