You know you're from Hong Kong when... (Part II)

lingwhatever 於 2007-08-30 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 405



You beat eggs with chopsticks instead of a fork.

Your mother used to hit you with a chicken-feather duster and shout "da sei lei!"

You're in another country and everything moves so slowly.  

You're in love with David Beckham. More for the ladies, but some of you guys do too ;)    

Chinese food in other countries doesn't taste right.

You never discuss your love life with your parents.

You keep most of your money in a savings account.   

You own a Snoopy toy from Mcdonalds.

You turn bright red after drinking alcohol.

You look like you are sixteen.

You have more than five remotes in your house.

You wear (or need) glasses.

Your parents (or some other close relative) own a grocery store or restaurant.

You always have water when dining out.

You say aiya! and wah!.

You’re mum talks to you in Chinese and you reply in English.

It annoys you how shops close at

5pm in other countries and you expect them to be open.

You love little red envelopes.

You know at least three people named Chan Ka Chun

People don't believe that you live on the 28th floor.

Your parents still tried to get you into places half-price saying you were 12 when you were really 15.

You ask your parents help on one math problem and 2 hours later they're still lecturing.

You're in another country and you try to make a local call, but what? you have to pay for it!

You have a 40 lb. bag of rice in your kitchen.

You've had a bowl haircut at one time in your life.

Your parents compare you with their colleagues' nerdy kids.

You eat bak choy.       

You learned about the birds and the bees from someone other than your parents.

You have way more technology than your foreign friends.

All of your friends ask you to translate whenever they see Chinese characters.

The vast majority of the people related to you wear glasses/contacts.

Your parents have either made you play the piano, the violin, or both.

You get nothing if you do well in school, but crapped on if you don't.

You think Mcdonalds in other countries is expensive.

You get homesick when you watch Rush Hour 2.

Your dad still pulls his socks up to his knees.

Your family always cheers for the Asian athlete on TV.

The furniture in your house never matches the wallpaper, the carpet, the decorations, or any of the rest of the furniture.

You own a rice cooker.

People think that PK stands for Penalty Kick, but you know what it really means

Your friends ask you if Hong Kong is in Japan.



and lastly,

You know you're from Hong Kong when you're from the most awesome city in the world!


感謝 lingwhatever 提供以上資料

lingwhatever的網誌: http://lingwhatever.blogspot.hk/


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