You know you're from Hong Kong when...(Part I)

lingwhatever 於 2007-08-30 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 403



You pretend (and tell people) that you know Mandarin because you can speak Cantonese.

You are an expert in mahjong. 

You have more than 30 cousins.

You confuse Welcome with Wellcome.

You have many credit cards.

You have more than two DVD players at home.


You started singing karaoke when you were five.

You wear famous brand clothes: DKNY, Versace, Chanel, Polo, etc. even though all your Polo shirts are from ladies’ market.

You always have the latest mobile phone.

You play badminton.

You drink vita soy.

You love to go yum cha.

Your friends ask you if Hong Kong is a country.

You know what it means when you call someone inch.

You eat instant noodles too often.

You've dyed your hair before.

You are studying engineering, business management or law.

You try to avoid pork chops. And i'm not talking about the food.

You ALWAYS buy real software and DVDs. ALWAYS.

Your Chinese handwriting really sucks.

You build a mountain of salad when you eat in Pizza Hut.

Your stationery has pictures of your favourite cartoon character.

Your foreign friends don't mess with you because they think you know kung fu.

You have a collection of model robots, built or yet to be built.

If someone buys something, you brag about how its cheaper in Hong Kong

When having dim sum, you rinse your dishes in hot water before you eat.

You buy $10 VCDs.

You ask, "when are you going back to Hong Kong?" instead of "when are you going to Hong Kong?".

You miss the drinks and snacks that you can only get in Hong Kong

You use tick tick pencils instead of regular pencils.

You've played all the computer games that have ever come out.

You show off your mobile phone that you got in Hong Kong "for cheap."

Your luggage is near empty when you arrive in HK, and it's full when you leave.

You expect to pay for transport in other countries with your Octopus card, only to be disappointed  

You have a PlayStation, Gamecube, Xbox and you will get the Xbox 360 soon.
You use Bak Fa Yao.  

When there is a sale on toilet paper, you buy 100 rolls and store them in your closet or in the bedroom of an adult child who has moved out.

You use Park 'N Shop bags as binliners.

You always leave your shoes at the door.

You can twirl your pen around your fingers.  

People ask you if there are trees in Hong Kong, and they don't believe you when you tell them that 76% of HK is green.   

You feel like you've gotten a good deal if you didn't pay tax.

You have a Walkman, Discman and Minidisk player that you don’t use anymore because you use an MP3 player


感謝 lingwhatever 提供以上資料

lingwhatever的網誌: http://lingwhatever.blogspot.hk/


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