很喜歡最近 NAT GEO ADVENTURE 頻度熱播的<A Map for Saturday>。這是套關於BACKPACKERS的紀錄片。紀錄片的主角兼導演BROOK本身是美國電視製作人,喜歡自己的工作,有不錯的收入,也享受出差時住4 STAR HOTEL。但他發現自己正走向典型的美國人LIFE TRACK : 畢業、工作、結婚、生仔、供樓、供養子女。他覺得自己還未READY步入這種生活模式,想趁自己年青還有時間做些特別的事。故25歲的他放棄喜歡的工作,於2005年離開美國環遊世界一年。
Brook 的backpacker歲月勾起了許多我在澳洲當backpacker的回憶和共鳴。原來在美國,backpacking跟香港一樣不流行,人們都 prefer積極搵錢,每年只花十天八天時間旅遊,住high class 酒店。Brook 的第一站剛好也是sydney,他在sydney住的第一間 hostel 位於我在sydney住的附近。不同的是,美國人在其他backpacker心目中的形象原來很差,經常被問及有關政治的問題。紀錄片中就有美國backpacker刻意掩飾身份,在大背囊上锈上加拿大國旗。
節目叫 <A Map for Saturday>,我想是因為在backpacking的歲月裡,每天都是假期,而每天的明天,仍然是假期,就似星期六,你可以熬夜玩樂,然後在第二天肆無忌憚地睡至日上三竿 (這個我在澳洲住working hostel時有深切體會)。
很喜歡BROOK以訪問身邊BACKPACKERS的方式帶觀眾深入而全面地探討backpacker的life style和想法,訪問內容包括backpackers會遇到的short romance、 short friendship、cheap hostel、忍受同房的sex life、backpacker症侯群 (即短時間內造訪太多景點,以致對往後的景點感到麻木)、快回家時的失落、回家初期跟朋友相聚,當朋友問 " how was your trip"時不知怎樣回答等等。訪問中backpacker受訪者的不少金句令我感觸良多..
"I' m not really wealthy as such. If I want to stay in The Hilton I could do it. But to me, to stay in the hostels and such, that's really travel". 這是出自一個73歲的美國BACKPACKER。他是CANCER生環者,帶著足夠半年用的藥環遊世界。
"People say "" Oh! You're so lucky. "" It's not lucky, it's about attitude" - 這話很有啟發性。我想在香港有經濟能力及足夠體力當 backpacker環遊世界的人其實不少。成事與否,的確是個人態度問題。
"It makes me laugh when people say I could never do what you're doing. All our friends give us six weeks and then we'd be home and it's now been 14 months"
"I'm willing to give up everything to come here"
"It sounds like one big long holiday, but you've got to meet people, you've got to find some place to live, you've got to communicate in a foreign language"
"It's a different way of life over here. I've probably spent about $20 or $25 a day, I 've heard of people who do it for $10"
"In fifty or sixty years I will be dead. I want to say "" I 've a good life"" "
"You can make really good friends and then after 3 days you may never see them again. That's weird" 這也是我旅行時的遭遇。旅途碰過不少值得交的人,不過絕大部份都不會再見,甚至漸漸失去聯絡。
"I'd like to travel, 364 days and go back for Christmas"
"The first day I was like "" I'm so alone, cool"". Then the second day I was like "" Oh! I'm really alone now" "這正是我一個人到雲南頭兩天的感覺。直到在路上碰到可以跟我同行的人感覺便好多了。
感謝 lingwhatever 提供以上資料
lingwhatever的網誌: http://lingwhatever.blogspot.hk/