My job is shit

lingwhatever 於 2006-10-26 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 468


I dun want to have such a negative feeling toward my fucking ojb. However, I really hate it. Being a sales is much harder than I through. You lose your friends and family, you cannot gain any satisfautory from your job, you have no one to talk to as your collegue are those people who has no education and goona to be a sale for there whole life. Come on! Get me out of there!!!

On the job interview and also the day they phone me to give me the offer, they told me that we only need to be a sale for 1.5-2 months. However, they're now telling us that we need to work in there fucking shop for 4 months!! God ! How can I stay there for 4 months? It's shit! Why dun Beacon Collge phone me back to give me a chance to work for them? I hate to be a sales. It's not funny! 4 months is fucking too long!!!


感謝 lingwhatever 提供以上資料

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