
lingwhatever 於 2013-03-25 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 472


suede 復出兼上星期出埋新碟都唔知,只係尋日偶然0係網上見到先知。

Suede自從上一隻碟衰左之後 (我買左番來都係聽過一次)就解散足十年。直到兩三年前開始從新在樂壇活躍起來,開左好多小型concert,前年仲來埋香港開show。只係,我一直不忍心看到自己曾經深愛的、象徵年青的、天下無敵咁有型的suede淪為如葉振棠、Air Supply 般只靠 「食老本」開show搵食的中年過氣樂隊,所以對他們的那些復出活動並沒有多留意,也沒奢望過佢地會再出碟。連他們 full team 上陣來香港開show 都冇意慾睇。直至知道佢地再出碟,急不及待上you tube suede 的新歌來聽。

Suede以往的MTV很多都落足本製作。只是,可能suede復出不太被睇好的關係,沒有大唱片公司當靠山,這次出碟的新歌MTV製作很簡單,連各成員樣都睇唔清,一個background 去到尾。再看看點撃率,upload 一個多月,只有10萬左右的hit rate。頓時內心一沉。這個點撃率對國際級歌手/樂隊來說並不高。似乎 Suede 重新出發並沒有很大的迴響。

之後在You Tube 看到一段 Suede 上兩星期上BBC唱新歌的節目片段,click入去睇,今次終於清楚睇到各成員的樣子了。

可以聽到Suede 東山再起,很高興。但另一方面,看著當年一個個年青有型的臉孔變老,實在有點心酸。尤其是主音Brett 的臉,比起當年我喜歡他們時老了很多很多; 臉上的皺紋多了很多很多,很心傷。可幸的是,當年最令我神魂癩倒的Keyboard 手 Neil 並不了老了很多。樣子還是那麼帥那麼有型,還是像當年一樣冷靜而冷酷地坐在一旁 play 他的 keyboard。 Ohh! 我又暈了!!

說回這些新歌。坦白說,最初聽的時候感覺是沒有他們當紅時的歌曲搶耳。但找來歌詞細味,聽多幾次,感覺當年的Suede 真的回來了。這些歌很Suede。很Suede 的歌曲是怎樣的呢? 對我來說就是很浪漫,又有點頹廢美,有點華麗,有點詩意,而且永遠年青有型。很複雜的情感。唔識講。

BBC 關於Suede 復出的報導。很中point

……..two years on the circuit playing songs from 20 years ago became tiring for a group that feels the "point of being a band is to make records".

"Eventually, you're faced with the choice - you either make a new record or you have to stop. We thought we'd try and make a new record."

Now in their 40s, Anderson and his four bandmates are older and wiser. But the frontman admits he "didn't want to make a record that sounded middle-aged".

"We wanted to have the same sensibility as a new band starting."

Suede seem to have turned the clock back to rekindle at least some of the passion and intensity they were famous for as twenty-somethings. Today, they are a successful post-1995 line-up - that is without Bernard Butler - but none of the new tracks quite captures the magic of early hits such as Animal Nitrate or Beautiful Ones.

Still, the album - opening with the rousing Barriers - is undeniably Suede, with dramatic key changes and Anderson's unmistakable flamboyant vocals.

說了那麼多,我最關心的還是Suede 新碟的銷量。究竟在看似沒有多少人關注、沒有多少資源投入下,Suede的新碟賣成點呢?

今日番工,偷偷上網找 UK Album Chart 來看看 :

上到No. 10. Thank god!!

我的Discman壞了,DVD 機都壞了,隨左電腦,已經冇任何equipment playCD了。已經十幾年冇買CD了。今天終於有碟想買!!  Suede,學生時代對我非常重要的一隊樂隊,怎能捨棄他?

(p.s. 這篇blog也是邊聽著Suede 的新歌邊打的)


感謝 lingwhatever 提供以上資料

lingwhatever的網誌: http://lingwhatever.blogspot.hk/


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