Slim Dusty - G'day G'day

lingwhatever 於 2006-12-02 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 512


Slim Dusty should be the king of country music in Oz, but may be many youngster in OZ don't know him. Even one of my HK friend who lived in Oz for more than 10 years doesn't know him.

I know him when I was having the Kimberley camping 4WD tour. The crazy tour guide of the trip, Carl addicted to him and played his song evrey day. The song "G'day, G'day" is most impressive as there's not of Aussie snag (such as "G' day", "How's going?", "Aussie") in the lyrics, making the song so Aussie, and at the end of the song, Slim Dusty sing with a group of children.

By the way, I really have no idea why I spend so much money to join a camping 4WD tuor in the Kimberley.  I have never heard of the Kimberley before I went to Oz. And even in Oz, I also don't know much about the Kimberley. I have no idea how does it look like and I didn't hear any other backpacker talk about it.  Even in Lonely Planet there's not much pages about the Kimberley. Maybe the god force me to go.  On the nine days tour, I saw so many gorges and gorges, of course some of them are really imprssive and gorguoes. For me, the most meaningful and impressive part of the tour is the original life style and the tour guide. In HK, I can't imagine to sleep under the numerous stars in less than 10 degrees, no shower, going to toliet by digging a hole on the ground, having a natural spa at night,  washing hair in the middle of a lake with the help of a white man and  screaming "Fuck you" in Cantonese on a hill.  

G’day G’day   -   Slim Dusty  

*G'day g'day, how ya goin', what d'ya know, well strike a light
G'day g'day, and how ya go-o-o-in'
Just say g'day g'day g'day and you'll be right

Isn't great to be an Aussie
Takin' a walk along the street
Lookin' in shops or buyin' a paper
Stoppin' and havin' a yarn with people that you meet

Down at the pub or at a party
Whenever you're stuck for what to say
If you wanna be dinky-di, why don't you give it a try
Look 'em right in the eye and say goo'day

repeat *

Now when Italians meet they all go crazy
The blokes all like to hug each other too
The Yanks invented "hi" "and see you later"
While the Pommy will shake your hand and say "how do you do"

Now watch out for a Frenchmen or he'll kiss you
The Spaniards go for "Olah" and "Olay"
But in the land of the cockatoo, pole cats and the didgeridoo
When you meet an Aussie ten-to-one here's what he'll say

repeat *

It's a greeting that you'll hear across Australia
From Geraldton to Goulburn, Gundagai
It's as dinkum as the Dingo and the Dahlia
And you spell it with a G, apostrophe, a D-A-Y

repeat *


感謝 lingwhatever 提供以上資料

lingwhatever的網誌: http://lingwhatever.blogspot.hk/


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