Singapore Airlines advertisement on a London cab in London
Windsor Castle, Round Tower 溫莎堡
Windsor Castle 溫莎堡
Rose bloomed in the Windsor Castle garden
Traditional English woman in costume
The colourful ceremony of the "Changing of the Guard"
The colourful ceremony of the "Changing of the Guard"
Buckingham Palace 白金漢宮
Buckingham Palace 白金漢宮
夜幕低垂之巴黎艾菲尔铁塔 Eiffel Tower
虽是细雨纷飞, 某名牌包包爱好者还是耐心的排队等待店门打开,以便购得自己心爱的包包“LOUIS VUITTON"。
蒙娜麗莎的微笑 Mona Lisa
The Gothic Cathedrate Note - Dame
stands at the heart of Paris above the Seine River (塞納河)
阿母斯特丹 Amsterdam
阿母斯特丹 Amsterdam
阿母斯特丹 Amsterdam
感謝 小路 提供以上資料