My second attempt of piping a doll face birthday cake 第二次做洋娃娃脸裱花蛋糕

BakingTaitai 於 2014-03-17 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 581


Few days ago, I made my second doll cake for a close friend, Lois, from church. She had showed my first doll cake to her daughter when I posted it on my facebook baking page two weeks ago. Her daughter likes it and requested it for her birthday on 13 March. Lois immediately placed an order with me and requested for the doll to wear a pair of eyeglasses as her daughter is bespectacled. I was hesitant about drawing the eyeglasses as I wasn't sure if it would look good on the doll cake. Later, Lois also commented that the eyeglasses if drawn over may spoil the look since the eyes look so big and lively. So, we dropped the idea. 

Just two days before I made the cake, I decided to adopt the idea of eyeglasses so that the doll would look like the birthday girl.  Instead of drawing it, I would made a pair of wired ones instead! I quickly rushed down to 'ArtFriend', an art supplier shop, to get the aluminium wire which is lightweight so that it would not sink into the cake. At the same time, I bought some ribbons as I got inspired again to make hair ribbons for the doll to get the 3D effect instead of using cake decors. The eyeglasses is done with the help of my hubby. Don't you think it looks good on the doll cake? ;p 

I had spent a total of eight hours in baking and decorating the cake. I frosted the cake for at least two hours before I was finally satisfied. You see, I am no expert in frosting the cake and am inexperience how to achieve a flawless and smooth surface. Being a self-taught baker with no formal training at all, I used a baker spatula, with the help of a turntable, I frosted the cake in my own unprofessional way..haha! Like the first doll cake, I kept refrosting and due to the hot weather, the whipping cream melted fast too. I had to discard the melted cream and re-whipped a new batch. I am amazed at my own patience! 

I am very happy that the cake was very well received by the birthday girl and her family. My eight hours of effort was definitely worth it when I saw the photos Lois sent me over whatsapp messenger showing her kids happy faces eating the three layered peach cake and taking turns wearing the doll's eye glasses for photo shots. (They love the pair of eyeglasses!) I am also very touched when I received her three kids individual voice messages thanking me and telling me how nice and delicious the cake was! Her eight year old boy even ordered his own birthday cake with me in advance..haha! 

Here's the photo which Lois have asked me to share with my readers how I tried to model the cake after her girl. :)

I really want to thank my friends who are so supportive of my passion for baking and have ordered cakes from me not knowing the design and how the cake would turn out to be. Some readers have asked me if I have attended any cake decorating classes and my answer is not at all! Most of my cake creations are based on my inspiration and usually the ideas came in at the last minute. Thus the outcome of the cake is not only a surprise for my friends but a surprise for myself too! :p

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