Amazing 40 minutes bread recipe 神奇40分钟面包食谱 (中英食谱)

BakingTaitai 於 2014-04-09 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 1093


When I first saw this recipe, I couldn't believe that bread can be make in a mere 40 minutes. It usually takes more than 3 hours to make bread and that puts many people off especially those who do not have much time to spare. 

With this recipe, you can make soft and fluffy rolls to eat with butter and jam, eat it with a bowl of soup (I love creamy ones especially pumpkin and mushroom) or sprinkle sugar on top to make sugar buns or whatever you can think of. I have spent another 10 minutes to wrap in the curry potato fillings which I had prepared extra to store in the freezer when I made the Wholemeal curry potato buns last week.  

This simple recipe is a God sent and I am sure you will love it after trying it. 


昨天下午我迫不及待用这个食谱做了这些小面包, 也多花了10分钟把上个礼拜煮多,放在冰箱的咖喱马铃薯馅料 (按看做法),包裹在里头。 今早吃的时候, 还是一样柔软哦!

有了这个简易配方,就可以省好多时间,一样能做出柔软的面包了。你说是不是很棒?那你还等什么呢?赶快动手做吧! 不到一个小时,你就能享受到香喷喷,无防腐剂的自制面包了!

Amazing 40 minutes Bun Recipe  
Recipe modified and adapted from Domestic Goddess Wannebe

Ingredients:(makes 12)

270g warm water
70g oil (I use sunflower oil which is healthier)
12g instant dry yeast ** updated- more yeast is used in this recipe as you need a faster carbon dioxide production for a quick dough in such a short time of bread making. Otherwise, for normal bread making, only 5g of yeast is used for about 500g of flour.
48g sugar
1.5 teaspoons salt (about 7g) 
1 egg
300g bread flour 
245g plain flour

*The recipe which I have adapted from uses only 476g flour, when I followed, the dough was extremely sticky, thus I added more flour and the total flour used is 545g. If you still find it sticky, do not add any more as this will affect the texture of the bread. As suggested, please massage a generous amount of oil on your hand so that you can handle the dough easily.  

Plain flour is not in the photo as it was a last minute decision to add in.

材料: (做12个)

270克      温水 
70克        油  (我用比较健康的葵花籽油) 
12克        速溶干酵母 **更新 - 酵母在这个配方用的比较多,因为在这么短时间的面包制作,面团需要更快的二氧化碳生产。通常来说, 约500克的面粉,只需用到5克的酵母。
48克        糖 
1.5茶匙   盐(约7克) 
鸡蛋       1个 
300克     高筋面粉 
245克     普通面粉

*取自的英文食谱只用476克面粉,我照着做时,觉得太粘手,所以增加到545克, 还是有点粘, 但如果再加更多的面粉,会影响质感。我在食谱上有建议在手上慷慨地抹上油, 比较容易处理。 


1. In your mixer bowl, combine the water, oil, yeast and sugar together and allow it to rest for 15 minutes. 

2. Using your dough hook, mix in the salt, egg and flour.

3. Knead with hook until all the ingredients are incorporated and the dough is soft and smooth. (I used KitchenAid stand mixer, speed 1 to knead throughout for about 3-4 mins)
3。开始搅拌,直到所有材料都混合在一起,面团柔软,光滑。 (我用KitchenAid搅拌机,全程用速度1搅拌约3-4分钟) 

** If you do not have a mixer with dough hook, you can knead with your hands until the dough come together, soft and smooth, no need to knead till window pane stage. You can also use the breadmaker - pasta or dough function to knead till dough is soft and smooth then remove from the pan. 
**如果没有搅拌器,可以用手搓揉至材料混合在一起,面团柔软,光滑就可以了,不需要搓揉到薄膜阶段。也可以用面包机- 面食或面团程式搓揉到面团柔软和光滑就可以拿出来了。 

4. Divide the dough into 12 balls (add in fillings if you prefer) and placed in a greased 9" x 13" (23cm x 33cm)  baking pan and allow the doughs to rest for 10 minutes. (Do not exceed 10 mins or the bread will not be as soft)
4。将面团分割成12个,(可以加入自己喜欢的馅料,或烘好擦牛油果酱吃)并放置在一个抹上油的9“×13”(23厘米 x 33厘米)烤盘,让面团休息10分钟。(不要超过10分钟,会影响面包软度)

Note: The dough may be somehow sticky, do not add any more flour. Just grease your hand generously with oil for easier handling of dough. 

5. Glaze with egg wash. Bake in preheated oven at 220 degrees celcius top and bottom heat for 10~12 minutes or until golden brown.  

6. After baked, remove from oven, transfer immediately to a wire rack to let cool. brush some melted butter on the surface of the buns to give a glossy look and great taste! 

Questions you may ask regarding this quick bread:

Qn1. Why does the texture of my bread taste sticky inside? 

Possible Reasons:
1) Bread was not transfered to wire rack to cool down immediately and heat was not dispelled causing moisture to develop in the bread. 
2) Bread is not cooked thoroughly, oven temperature may be too high causing the surface of bread to brown too quickly but the dough inside is still uncooked. 
3) Yeast used is too little thus affecting the carbon dioxide production in this quick bread. 

Qn2. Why is the texture of my bread dense or hard?

Possible Reasons:
1) The yeast used is inactive or dead. A newly bought pack can have this problem too. 
2 ) For this recipe, you don't have to use a pastry roller to roll out the dough after you have divided it. Just flatten gently with your hands will do. The rolling may affect the gluten formation in this quick recipe. 
3) If you rest the dough for more than 10 minutes, it may affect the texture of the bread. Bread may turn out hard and dense. 

Qn3. Why does my buns crack at the bottom?

Possible Reasons:
1) The bottom of the buns were not sealed tightly after fillings were wrapped in.
2) The dough area where it is sealed up came into contact with oil from the fillings.  
3) During shaping, the dough came into contact with too much flour. 


1) 面包烤出来的时候,没有马上取出烤盘, 放在晾网散热。烤盘底部不带孔,面包的热气挥发不掉, 湿气又进入面包里面, 底部等等就发粘。
2) 又或者没烤够,温度太高,表面熟了, 但里面还没考熟。
3) 酵母放不够,因为这是快速面团,需要更快的二氧化碳生产。


1) 可能是酵母坏了, 新买的也会买到已经坏掉的酵母。
2) 面团分割后,不需要用杆棍杆平,因为可能会把面团的筋度压坏。 
3) 如果面包分割包裹后,休息超过10分钟,会导致面包质感又实又密。




Bun is still as soft the next day! 

 I am submitting this to International Yeasted Recipe hosted by Kristy of My Little Space.

“It takes time and effort to compose or translate recipes, I would appreciate it if you do not copy and pass it off as your own recipe. If you wish to share or adapt any of the recipes that I have posted in this blog, please provide a link to the relevant post here. Thank you.”

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