Cute Caterpillar Cookies Tutorial Recipe 可爱毛毛虫造型饼干​ (中英食谱教程)

BakingTaitai 於 2014-03-07 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 1046


Two days ago, I have planned originally to do a dual tone ring cookies which will look like a lifebuoy. After preparing the ingredients and mixing it into a cookie dough. My intention was still the same. Until I was rolling the dough into little balls,an inspiration strikes me!I decided to transform the little balls into cute caterpillars. Initially, I wanted to use a toothpick to stick the balls together to form the body of the caterpillar but didn't like the stiff look. I was also concerned about safety as the toothpick may accidentally poke the mouth if you are not careful when eating it. I dropped the idea and just pushed the little dough balls tightly together, good thing the dough was quite soft so it could stick well. I bent the body a little to make it look more alive. After baking, the body remains intact. However, I would advise you to handle it with cares so that each segment will not drop apart. To give away, I carefully wrapped each cookie individually with bubble wrap. 
Hope you will have fun making this cookie as much as I do. :) 


Cute Caterpillar Cookies 可爱毛毛虫饼干

120g Unsalted butter (soften at room temperature, cut into small pieces)
120g Icing sugar
60g Fresh Milk  (room temperature)
300g Cake flour
30g Milk powder
1.5 teaspoon Corn flour
1.5 teaspoon Matcha powder
1.5 teaspoon Unsweetened cocoa powder

Decoration: Black sesame seeds (caterpillar's eyes), Sunflower seeds (caterpillar's feelers)

无盐奶油 120g (放在室温下软化)
糖粉 120g
鲜奶 60g (放在室温下回温)
低筋面粉 300g
奶粉 30g
玉米粉 1.5小匙
抹茶粉 1.5小匙
无糖可可粉 1.5小匙

装饰:黑芝麻 (毛毛虫的眼睛),葵花籽 (毛毛虫的触角) 

Method 做法:
1. In a mixing bowl, add the icing sugar to the softened butter, use a rubber spatula to roughly mixed together. (to avoid icing sugar from flying out of bowl when the electric mixer is used) Then use an electric mixer to beat till well combined. 
1。无盐奶油加入糖粉后,先用橡皮刮刀稍微拌混合 (避免电动搅拌器搅拌时,瞬间将糖粉喷出盆外)再用搅拌机搅打均匀。 

2. Add in milk gradually into step 1, beat till well combined at high speed into a buttercream mixture. Sift the cake flour and corn flour into the buttercream mixture, use a rubber spatula and fold into a dough.

3. Divide the dough into 2 equal portions. Take one portion and divide into 2 smaller doughs. (So you have 1 big and 2 small doughs) Mix corn flour into the bigger dough and mix the matcha powder and cocoa powder into the two smaller doughs separately. After this, you will have 3 different colored doughs. 
3。将面团分成2 等份,将其中1份分割成2等份 (即成1份大的面团及2份小的面团)将较大的面团加入玉米粉搓揉均匀,将2份小的面团分别加入抹茶粉及无糖可可粉搓揉均匀, 即成三种颜色(原色,抹茶色及可可色)的面团。

4. From each coloured dough, pinch a small dough of about 5g each and roll into a ball using your palms.  

5. Refering to the photo, arrange 4 small doughs and push snugly together (so that it does not come off easily), then decorate with black sesame and sunflower seeds to form eyes and feelers. 
5。按照图片排好四粒小球面团, 紧推在一起 (圆球才不易掉落),再装饰眼睛和触角。

6. Preheat the oven 125 degrees top and bottom heat with fan, bake for about 20 minutes, off the oven and let the remaining heat bake the cookies for a further 10~15 minutes. 

7. Transfer the cookies carefully to a cooling rack. Cool completely before storing in an air-tight container.
7。烤好移至铁网架上放凉, 完全凉透请放密封保存避免回潮。

Chinese Recipe is adapted from 孟老师's cookie recipe book and translated to English for my English readers. 


Photos are personally taken by baking taitai with an iphone, sometimes with just one hand while working with the other. 

“It takes time and effort to compose or translate recipes, I would appreciate it if you do not copy and pass it off as your own recipe. If you wish to share or adapt any of the recipes that I have posted in this blog, please provide a link to the relevant post here. Thank you.”


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