Mango Tofu Cheesecake (Non-Bake) 芒果豆腐芝士蛋糕

BakingTaitai 於 2013-07-25 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 463


My family loves to eat any type of cheesecake, be it the New York Cheesecake or the Japanese light cotton cheese, we love them all! This non-bake cheesecake does not require an oven to bake as it is done by chilling the cake mixture in the fridge for more than four hours to allow it to set.

Silken Tofu is the main ingredient here and surprisingly the cake tastes good, not a hint of tofu is used at all. I tried to make a two-layer cheesecake, the top layer being tofu cream cheese mixture & the bottom layer has mango added to the half portion of tofu cream cheese mixture. I must say that it is a nice combination.


The cake is so light & refreshing that we finished it at one go!

Mango Tofu Cheesecake (adapted from Happy Home Baking)


180g McVities digestive biscuits, finely crushed
55g unsalted butter, melted
20g light brown sugar


8 tablespoons warm water
2.5 tablespoons gelatin powder
330g Philidelphia cream cheese, soften at room temperature
200g extra silken tofu
60g unsalted butter, soften at room temperature
6.5 tablespoons icing sugar
5 tablespoons lemon juice
125 Mango Puree (cut mango into small pieces, put in blender to make puree)
125 Diced Mangoes


Line the base of a 8 inch round pan with removable base with baking paper. Combine crushed digestive biscuits, light brown sugar and melted butter together in a mixing bowl. With the back of a spoon, press the biscuit crumbs firmly onto the base of the prepared pan. Chill in the freezer compartment for at least 1 hour.

1) Measure warm water into a small bowl and sprinkle in the gelatin powder (without stirring). Set aside to allow the gelatin grains to bloom.

2) With an electric mixer, beat cream cheese, silken tofu and butter in a mixing bowl until smooth. Stop to scrape down the sides if necessary. Add in sugar and beat till fully incorporated. Add in lemon juice, beat till fully incorporated.

3) The gelatin should turn spongy by now. Stir the solution with a spoon. Pour the gelatin solution through a sieve into the cream cheese batter. Beat the batter till fully incorporated. Stop to scrape down the sides when necessary and the finished batter is rather thin and runny.

4) Divide the batter into two portions. Set one portion aside. Add mango puree and diced mango into the other portion, pour this mango batter onto the chilled crust based. Tap the pan lightly on table top or smooth the surface with a spatula. Put it into the fridge to set for an hour before pouring in the other portion. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours before consumption. Enjoy!

“It takes time and effort to compose or translate recipes, I would appreciate it if you do not copy and pass it off as your own recipe. If you wish to share or adapt any of the recipes that I have posted in this blog, please provide a link to the relevant post. Thank you.”

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