Hooray Bar & Restaurant
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Hooray Bar & Restaurant介紹
Hooray 是一間擁有優美環境的 酒吧 及 餐廳 ,位於銅鑼灣的黃金地段,坐擁醉人夜景,是個朋友聚會用餐的好去處。Hooray Bar & Restaurant boasts the biggest alfresco dining area inHong Kong, with a spectacular terrace that overlooks Victoria Harbour. The elegant wood furniture on the 180-seat terrace is surrounded byluscious foliage, creating a relaxing respite from the bustling citybelow. The fabulous charcoal grill menu provides delectable vegetarian,seafood and meat dishes, making Hooray a great spot to indulge in a longlunch or luxuriate in a chic evening gathering.