藍天體育會 Blue Sky Sport Club (西貢鹽田仔村)
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藍天體育會 Blue Sky Sport Club (西貢鹽田仔村)介紹
藍天體育會 是間以 水上活動 為主的 康樂 運動 組織,提供不同的 水上活動 設備租借及訓練,是個讓人感受 水上活動 樂趣的好地方。COMPANY BACKGROUNDBlue Sky Sports Club (www.bluesky-sc.om ) is formed in 2011. The center provides training and equipments indifferent water sports. It is located in Sai Kung town right next to theSai Sha Beach, one of the most convenient places to access to thebeautiful Sai Kung Sea. SWC center is run by Blue Sky Sports Club, whichhas been around running water sports events & activities over10 years in Sai Kung. Blue Sky Sports Club is also an affiliate memberof the Hong Kong Stand Up Paddle Board Association & Hong KongDragon Boat Association.Blue Sky Dragon boat team hascompeted in more than 10 races for the past 3 years, and has a 90% top 3results in different championships. Professional trainers of SWC hasmany years of experience with taking groups on to the Sai Kung water,the center will allow its members to train and entertain in a safe andprofessional manner.MISSIONOur mission is to assistour members in finding a sport they truly enjoy.Whether you aretrying to improve your fitness level or train for competition, weprovide instruction for various skill levels and objectives.Ourprograms are designed to develop skills and improve health and fitness.With the relationship of an affiliate member of the Hong Kong Stand-UpPaddle Board Association, Blue Sky Sports Club can refer potentialathletes to become a member of the Hong Kong Team to the HKSUPBA.Through our weekly club meets, our members will have the opportunity toconnect with other paddlers and enjoy the beautiful experience ofpaddling together in Sai Kung water.We aim to make available theresources, such as rentals and lessons, for new participants to use inorder to become comfortable & active with the paddling sports. Webelieve that to succeed in a sport is to have fun.