10 perfect nails (中環店)
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10 perfect nails (中環店)介紹
10 perfect nails 是香港其中一間一流連鎖式 美甲 專門店,提供不同的 水晶甲 及 gel甲 等服務,讓每位到來的客人都能感受專業的 美甲 體驗。10 perfect nails除了擁有在行內首屈一指的光療樹脂殖甲技術外,10 perfect nails亦提供全面呵護手足的療程讓顧客選擇。顧客可自由享用多項手部及足部護理的同時,亦可把這種享受帶回家中,因為10 perfect nails備有多種顏色繽紛的指甲油、潤膚露、香薰按摩油及手足護理產品供顧客選購。為保持10 perfect nails一貫高質素和衛生的服務承諾,所有10 perfect nails美甲師都需要接受一連串的訓練,以達到世界認可的水平,10 perfect nails並確保員工能為顧客提供最專業的手足護理服務和分析。10 perfect nails, Hong Kong's leading nail spa chain, known as one of the pioneers in gel nail technology. 10 perfect nails offers a treatment menu representing the height of pampering and care for hands and feet. Choose from luxurious spa manicures and pedicures. And then bring the experience home with a wide array of delicious nail varnishes, pampering creams, intoxicating massage oils, hand & foot soaks and scrubs.Demonstrating the highest standards of hygiene and quality, 10 perfect nails's staff is continually trained according to world class standards and is committed to delivering the ultimate experience client care and services.商店產品 / 服務