Greyhound Cafe (中環店)
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Greyhound Cafe (中環店)評論
Greyhound Cafe (中環店)介紹
Greyhound Cafe 店內有光鮮亮麗的裝潢, 務求提供一個舒適的 Cafe 餐廳 環境讓客人享受美食。Greyhound Cafe 的每款菜式都經精心炮製, 更有不同 蛋糕 及 甜品 提供, 務求把最好的口味帶給所有客人。The first Greyhound Café has opened its door in Thailand in 1997, as a line extension of its fashion label. Greyhound Café is the first fashion café in Bangkok offering the food concept with a twist in a casual dining experience. As the first store outside Bangkok, Greyhound Café is brought to Hong Kong by Gaia Group. By offering trendy and creative mix of menus, service and ambience at the competitive price in the same segment, Hong Kong’s Greyhound Café will not forget its roots and diners can expect a vast menu of simple food with a twist with Greyhound Cafe’s personal touch of service and atmosphere.