
如心恕也 於 2010-04-30 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 451


09年的七月至十月期間 , 我到醫院處作心臟檢查 , 做過跑步機測試 , 超音波掃瞄 , 結果是一切正常 , 但其後攜帶了一次24小時心跳記錄儀 , 及做心電圖 , 醫生說心跳得很慢 , 最低只有35次 , 有可能係heart block , 要求我植入心臟起搏器 , 但我不覺有什麼異樣 , 只間中有點頭暈及呼吸困難 , 透不過氣 , 但已很久沒有發生了。

其實我在04年間也在香港做了相似的心臟檢查 , 情況恐比現時嚴重 , 頭暈次數頻密 , 並感到有點飄飄然( high ) 的感覺 , 心跳也間中停頓一兩下 , 那時的主任醫生說:「這情形在香港很普遍 , 可以說在街上行的人 , 十個人之中差不多有五個都或多或少是這樣的 , 應沒有大礙。」

我就以上的情況在互聯網上將自己的疑慮請教了專科醫生 , 為何會有不同的結論 , 而我是極度抗拒做這個手術 , 除了心理因素外 , 更重要是裝置後要多方面留意 , 況且把一件外來物裝在體內也覺得突兀 , 而電池耗盡時還要把它取出 , 換上另外一個起搏器 , 雖說是小手術 , 但心裡總感到不安 , 駭人及害怕 …… 問題是否如不做手術 , 有何後果 ? 或不久後心跳會否回復正常 ? 可有藥物治療 ? 而究竟多少次心跳才是最起碼的安全系數 ? 當植入後心臟會有什麼感覺 ?








Translation from Chinese to English:

Cardiac arrhythmia is a very broad subject, but simply, can be divided into rhythm too fast, too slow and irregular heart rate when the fast slowly three categories, which are divided into a regularity and irregular, as well as intermittent and sustained for several major categories.

There are many causes of slow heart rate, including the lack of thyroid secretion, the influence of drugs, regular exercise, the Housing sinus disease, recessive atrial premature beats, atrioventricular conduction block (2 or 3), etc., but the heartbeat will be normal sometimes less than 60 times per minute, especially in the sleeping, the heartbeat can be moderated to 30-40 times per minute. Under normal circumstances, at least during the day heart rate for more than 45 times per minute. Bradycardia of the most common symptoms are dizziness, easy to asthma, fatigue, heart heavy, etc., if suffering from coronary heart disease, and will also appear angina symptoms.

As the heart rate is too slow due to many causes, treatment methods should prescribe the right medicine. In general, cardiac pacemakers only apply to the second or third block Forward House chamber, the Housing sinus pause sinus disease or heart beat more than 3.5 seconds or more and so on. It is only used as auxiliary heart, prevent heart beat too slowly and the emergence of various symptoms, not solve the problem and no medication can heal. Implantable cardiac pacemaker is an operation, I need local anesthesia and in the vicinity of the shoulder to open a 1-2 inch wound, stretching wires from large vein to the right atrium and ventricle, which involves certain risks, but risks Today's technology is very low. Because of certain risks involved, the doctors in the choice of treatment will be very careful to ensure that there is a genuine need for the suggestion of a heart pacemaker surgery.
After surgery, the patient can return to normal life over there will not be too great an inconvenience and discomfort. Patients after the adaptation period, are generally not aware of the existence of pacemakers, but also does not appear the phenomenon of exclusion. The only thing is to regular checks to ensure normal functioning of pacemakers and electricity sufficient.

公開累積瀏覽 201



感謝 如心恕也 提供以上資料

如心恕也的網誌: http://shuis-t.blogspot.hk/


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