尤記得幼小的我, 已經在電視上看過已故南非總統曼德拉那一幕經典的: I have a dream!
如今後世人為紀念他, 特意用50枝鋼棒, 做出一組藝術裝置, 大家要在特定的角度, 才可以一瞻其貌.
Fifty rods of steel, symbolizing prison bars, so people will never forget
the years Mandela was imprisoned.
The remarkable thing about this artwork
is that it is only when you stand at a certain distance (which is marked) that
you see him.
感謝 May姨Blog 提供以上資料
May姨Blog的網誌: http://maylibibi.blogspot.hk/