不知道是不是因為報紙上的超級市場廣告圖片及文字比較大, 我的仔仔自從兩歲多就很喜歡看. 每次婆婆來探望他, 他都要婆婆為他帶幾張廣告來. 起初, 我只用中文教他圖片上的是甚麼, 後來想一想, 我可以利用他的好奇心, 教他一些簡單的英文對話. 我可以指着報紙上的廣告 (例如:水果), 問他問題和教他怎樣回答. 以下是一些例子:
Q: What can you see?
A: I can see fruit.
Q: (point at a certain fruit) What is this?
A: This is an orange.
Q: Is there any apple?
A: Yes.
Q: Where are they?
A: (ask him to answer verbally instead of pointing at the newspaper) They are in the middle of the newspaper.
Q: How many apples are there?
A: (ask him to count loudly) There are 4 apples.
Q: Which fruit do you like most?
A: I like orange most.
Q: Why?
A: Because it is delicious!
感謝 丹尼成長足印 提供以上資料
丹尼成長足印的網誌: http://winniewlkwok.mysinablog.com/