由 strappin 於 2023-03-18 15:20:02 發表 | 累積瀏覽 182
The annual individual dosage limit for the general population is 1 mSv, and the annual individual dose limit for radiation workers is 100 mSv averaged over 5 years.
This study examined the power density and strength of EMF at different distances and directions in front of a microwave oven. Our results showed that the EMF levels are high (≥ 100 mG) at [one arm's length" distance (61 cm) in all directions, however the power density lowers to a range of 0.01 - 0.10 mW/ cm2.
Electro-biological studies on sleep revealed that exposure to EMF at night has more detrimental effects on health than exposure to EMF radiation during the day [2].
While smart meters do produce some radiation, it is significantly less than that produced by other commonplace items like your cell phone and Wi-Fi equipment. According to available data, radio waves emitted by smart meters do not pose a harm to one's health.
The traditional unit rad or the SI unit gray are used to measure the radiation dose absorbed by a person, or the amount of energy that radiation deposits in human tissue (Gy). The traditional unit rem or the SI unit sievert are used to measure the biological risk of radiation exposure (Sv).
There is no proof, despite a lot of research, that being exposed to low levels of electromagnetic fields is bad for one's health.
For your house, a compacted dosimeter is strongly advised. The dosimeter can measure radiations in the alpha, beta, x, and gamma ranges. They are simple to use and can aid in reducing radiation levels at home, at work, and in medical facilities.
Non-ionizing radiation is emitted by Wi-Fi in the form of radiofrequency EMF. A Wi-Fi equipment must adhere to the Canadian standards established for radiocommunication devices in terms of the amount of radiofrequency EMF it emits.