When should I take Bifenwan?

zkiopop 於 2023-05-25 15:50:12 發表  |  累積瀏覽 375

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When should I take Bifenwan?

Some Biphen tablets recommend taking 10 capsules daily after meals, or 20 capsules per serving in severe cases, twice daily after meals.

Does winter melon make you sleepy?

The American Pregnancy Association considers winter melon unsafe because it stimulates uterine muscles and can cause miscarriage, and the herb also has sedative and sleep-inducing properties, so it is not recommended while breastfeeding. not.

What are the roots used in herbal medicine?

Ginseng root is the most widely sold traditional Chinese medicine. The term [Ginseng " refers to both American ginseng and Asian or Korean ginseng, which belong to American ginseng and have similar chemical components.

What is the most powerful natural antibiotic for throat infections?

Garlic: Contains one of the most powerful natural antibiotics [Allicin] and its antiviral properties allow garlic to fight harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi.

What are the benefits of yellow root tea?

The root tea of this plant is used topically for minor burns, and scientists believe the yellow root helps the immune system by supplying the body with vitamins A, C, E, calcium and iron. increase. It is used in Indian countries for coughs, pneumonia and ear infections.

Why won't the mucus in my throat go away?

Possible causes of excess mucus include food allergies, acid reflux, and infections. The concentration of mucus in the throat also changes depending on what is going on in the body. Common causes of excessive mucus in the throat include colds, the flu, and acute bronchitis. , sinusitis or pneumonia.


What color tea is the healthiest tea?

Green Tea. Green tea is often touted as the healthiest tea. Rich in polyphenols and antioxidants that help promote brain and heart health. Green tea is considered one of the least processed true teas as it is not oxidized.

What is honeysuckle?

Honeysuckle, a vine-entwining plant belonging to the Lonicera family, is a popular herbal remedy for inflammatory diseases and a well-known dietary supplement that has been used for centuries.


What is Huang Qi?

The plant Astragalus is a herbal medicine containing the root of a perennial leguminous plant, the yellow qi is believed to invigorate Qi, diuretic, relieve edema, nourish the blood, and also help replenish body fluids and relieve pain. increase.

Can I take paypacoa?

NIN JIOM PEI PA KOA (Hero Formula Milk Powder)

Children 3-6 years: Take 3 tablespoons (5ml) 3 times daily. Children under the age of 12 must be supervised when using the product. Adults should put it in their mouth and swallow it slowly, or dilute it with lukewarm water.

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