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How can I make my clothes smell nice naturally?

Use vinegar as a natural fabric refresher

If your clothes are getting a little musty-especially items that are frequently damp, like sports equipment or bath towels-try adding vinegar to the wash. "I know it sounds crazy, but it really works!" says housekeeping pro Melissa Maker of Clean My Space.

What is the disadvantage of laundry pods?

The disadvantages of using laundry pods are: They are the most expensive option. They can contain too much or too little detergent for some loads. They can't be used to pretreat stains.

How do hotels keep towels fresh?

According to one hotel management, they first treat all stains on the laundry. Then, they toss them in a big pot full of a mixture of baking soda, laundry detergent or soap, and cold water. The towels are then boiled for around half an hour, wrung out, and thrown into the laundry machine.

Why is Tide toxic?

Chief among these concerns is a chemical known as 1,4-dioxane. According to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, exposure to this compound can cause eye and nose irritation, kidney problems, and possible long-term lung damage.pest control factory

Why do my clothes smell like detergent after washing?

If your clothes smell fresh straight out of the washer but then slowly start to stink, it could be your detergent. Because even though your detergent smells nice, that doesn't mean it's cleaning well. If you suspect your detergent isn't powerful enough, consider switching to a more powerful detergent.detergent powder factory

How often should you wash your clothes?

Washing Frequency Chart
Item of Clothing How Often to Wash
T-Shirts, tanks, and camisoles After every wear
Tops and dresses After 1 to 3 wears
Formal dresses Dry-clean after every wear
Wool coats 1 to 2 times a season
17 more rows•

Why do billionaires wear simple clothes?

As you can see, there's a lot that goes to the answer as to why billionaires wear simple clothes. Some wear simple outfits to keep a low profile and maintain their privacy, while others see it as a power statement, reinforcing their status as the elite.

What is the best time to do laundry?

During the summer, run your washer early in the morning – energy use peaks on hot afternoons. Winter weather drives demand for electricity earlier in the morning, so wash your clothes late at night.

How can I make my clothes smell super good?

Absorb any nasty odors by placing a small bowl of baking soda at the bottom of your wardrobe. Freshen clothes between washes by chucking them in the dryer with a Gain Dryer Sheet for a few minutes or spritzing some Original Febreze with Gain Scent Fabric Refresher on them.

Why is Tide bad?

That's right, [TOXIC." Those are also the words of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Tide laundry detergent is toxic. we call Good Stuff!), but we've known for years that most major brands contain a wide array of toxic ingredients. Chief among these concerns is a chemical known as 1,4-dioxane.

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