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關節突然疼痛有幾種可能的原因,如痛風,感染和肌腱炎. 其他可能的原因是受傷,如骨折,脫臼,扭傷和拉傷. 突然的關節疼痛可能會讓人感到不舒服,並影響一個人執行日常任務的能力.<FC-93397917eb7be943b182a5781303bbf8>
Meat and Seafood: Choose lean meats and fatty fish
It is an excellent alternative to red meat, which can increase inflammation. Chicken and turkey are also good choices. Meat lovers should buy it Leaner cuts, such as tenderloin, tenderloin, or tenderloin. Processed meats are high in sodium, sugar, and preservatives.
Although there is no cure for arthritis, natural therapies such as swimming, acupuncture, and massage may help relieve the pain, stiffness, and swelling associated with arthritis.
Signs and Symptoms of Knee Problems
Mild Stiffness
Minor Swelling
Cracking Feeling
Temporary Weakness
Inability to Straighten Completely
7 Drinks to Relieve Arthritis Pain
Tea. Tea is one of the best drinks for people with arthritis as it has many health benefits
Milk. Contrary to popular belief, if you are diagnosed with arthritis You don't have to skip milk
Fresh juice
Red wine
When to seek medical advice
The following are the stages of knee osteoarthritis, including normal, mild, mild, moderate and severe, and the development of an appropriate treatment plan.
In stage 4, the joint space between the bones is significantly reduced, causing the cartilage to wear away, making the joint stiff. The breakdown of cartilage can lead to a chronic inflammatory response, a decrease in synovial fluid, resulting in friction when walking or moving the joint, and greater pain and discomfort. .運動後膝蓋痛
Overall knee pain can be due to bursitis, arthritis, torn ligaments, joint osteoarthritis, or infection. Instability or giving in is also another common knee problem. Instability is often related to the meniscus, collateral ligament, or patellar tracking related to injuries or problems.
Mild knee injuries can heal on their own, but all injuries should be examined and diagnosed by a doctor or physical therapist. Ongoing knee pain requires professional help. Prompt medical attention after a knee injury increases your chances of a full recovery.
RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation) can reduce inflammation and swelling after an injury. It can also be helpful before or after activities that cause joint swelling and discomfort. Bracing allows your joints to rest, control Swell, protect the injured area, and add stability.