由 kathleen 於 2023-12-05 00:52:04 發表 | 累積瀏覽 215
It's uncomfortable for one, and if a stitch were to possibly pop, intense straining is how it might happen. Straining can cause or worsen hemorrhoids too. Having to push hard or force are signs that your body isn't ready yet, so don't force it. Take a break and try again later.
C-Sections: Life-saving in some cases, overuse in others
Many pregnant people elect to have a C-section to allow them to plan around delivery or simply because they would prefer not to deliver vaginally. Others are pressured into surgery, or have their wishes ignored.開刀生仔
Evidence and expert consensus are consistent on the message that C-sections, on average, come with greater risks than vaginal births: more blood loss, more chance of infection or blood clots, more complications in future pregnancies, a higher risk of death.
The C-section babies can display both irritability and increased likely hood of colic. Planned C-section babies are interestingly the most ratty and cranky babies I see. Scientific research absolutely confirms this showing that C-section deliveries cause a change to the friendly gut bacteria in the baby.剖腹產寶寶
While you can't prevent having a child with an autistic disorder, you can increase your odds of having a healthy baby by doing these lifestyle changes: Live healthy. Have regular check-ups, eat well-balanced meals, and exercise. Make sure you have good prenatal care, and take all recommended vitamins and supplements.
Babies can have a variety of skin colors when they are born. A baby's skin color can change over time and should settle fully at around 20 months old. Due to the nature of genetics, a baby may look more like one parent than the other, or may not look like either.
There has been some research into how c-sections affect the long-term health of children. There is limited evidence that children born by c-section may have a higher risk of childhood asthma up to the age of 5 and obesity up to the age of 12. The reason for this increased risk is not clear.
What are the risks of VBAC? While a successful VBAC is associated with fewer complications than an elective repeat C-section, a failed trial of labor after a C-section is associated with more complications, including a uterine rupture.
The majority of women should have no problem getting pregnant after having a cesarean compared to other fertility issues, but there are definitely some risks to consider. WebMD did a survey that concluded approximately 2% of mothers who had a C-section experienced problems with getting pregnant again.
Getting pregnant after a c-section
You will need to wait at least 6 months but your doctor or midwife may advise you to wait for 12–18 months.