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One method is to use a lip balm or chapstick that has a shiny or glossy finish. You can also try using a clear lip oil or lip serum, which will provide a glossy look while also hydrating your lips. Another option is to dab a small amount of petroleum jelly or coconut oil onto your lips for a natural glossy effect.
Your lip gloss might be poppin', but did you know it needs to be reapplied every couple of hours and replaced once a year? Because of its texture and shine, lip gloss can last a couple of hours on your lips, but won't have the long-lasting power of some lipsticks and other cosmetics.唇彩
Morning & Night: At the very least, think of lip care as a pivotal part of your skincare routine. Twice daily can help keep your lips hydrated and protected.
Ladies, I'm sorry to bust this myth, but gloss, in fact, dries out your lips. There are tons of balms out there - a good lip balm is not something you can do without. Make sure you have one and that you're constantly using it. You can't expect to stay moisturized without your daily intake of water.
Yes, it is safe to apply Vaseline (petroleum jelly) directly on chapped lips. Vaseline is known for its moisturizing properties and can be very effective in treating dry, cracked lips by locking in moisture and protecting the delicate skin.防水眼線筆
Do you bite your partner's lips while kissing? Don't be surprised because it's quite a common practice. According to Kamasutra, it's a sign of passion and increases blood flow which in turn helps a person to get aroused. If you do so, you are a naughty lover who knows well how to excite a partner.
Isn't it supposed to moisturize my lips?" Ladies, I'm sorry to bust this myth, but gloss, in fact, dries out your lips. There are tons of balms out there - a good lip balm is not something you can do without. Make sure you have one and that you're constantly using it.氣墊粉餅
Lemon and almond oil
Combining it with lemon which lightens blemishes will help make your lips pink naturally. Mix a teaspoon of almond oil with a few drops of lemon juice and massage on your lips. Wash it off after 30 minutes and do it thrice a week for the best results.
Mascara: Mascara wands come into direct contact with the eyes and can quickly transfer bacteria, viruses, or fungi potentially leading to eye infections. Sharing mascara increases the risk of spreading these pathogens, so it's best to use and replace your own mascara regularly.
If not allergic, Vaseline is unlikely to harm or make lips drier. Even so, this may not be the best choice for moisturizing lips and preventing delicate skin from chapping.