由 erybody 於 2024-06-24 18:50:35 發表 | 累積瀏覽 108
Sauces play an important role in maximising flavours, adding juiciness and improving the mouth feel of a dish. For instance, if you're having a BBQ party at home, having a delicious sauce to slather over your BBQ meat will make a world of difference.
Sauce is a French word taken from the Latin salsa, meaning salted. Possibly the oldest recorded European sauce is garum, the fish sauce used by the Ancient Romans, while doubanjiang, the Chinese soy bean paste is mentioned in Rites of Zhou in the 3rd century BC.
11 Top Sauces
home made mayonnaise.
chilli oil.
BBQ sauce.
sicilian nut pesto.
almond cream.
walnut & white bean puree.
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Sussy means, like, you're an imposter. You're a bad guy. Like, you're sus. A shortened version of the word bad.
The Top 10 Worst Foods to Eat
White bread.
French fries.
Fast food burgers.
Processed cheese.
Potato chips.
Processed snack foods.
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Time. And then can I also have barbecue sauce or do you have like a buffalo. Sauce as it turns outMore
Hip-hop artists have been using the term sauce as slang for swagger and luxury-branded clothing and accessories since at least 2013. This sense probably came from the meaning of sauce as [something that adds piquance or zest," as a designer watch might impact a performer's image.香港製造xo醬
It could be made halal and there might get even be restaurants making halal poutine. However the gravy used to make poutine is usually made with meat (either beef or chicken) so unless halal meat is used to make the gravy it's not halal.
Sauces typically contain a liquid, thickener and various flavorings and seasonings. French mother sauces use milk (béchamel sauce), white stock (veloute), brown stock (Espagnole), clarified butter (Hollandaise), and tomato (tomato sauce) as the liquid base for each type of sauce.香港xo醬
being extremely intoxicated[Lost in the sauce" is used to describe someone who is unaware of what is going on around them. Informally, it is also used to mean being extremely intoxicated.