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For cases of acute cystitis, the symptoms may include:
pain, burning, or stinging when urinating.
urinating more frequently.
dark and cloudy urine.
strong-smelling urine.
urgent need to pass urine.
pain in the lower stomach.
general aches, weakness, and tiredness.
#1: Vitamin C
Therefore, it has proven essential for bladder control and incontinence issues. Some good vitamin C sources include green and red peppers, citrus fruits, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, leafy greens, cauliflower, tomatoes, sweet and white potatoes, and more.
How to prevent cystitis
wipe from front to back when you go to the toilet.
pee as soon as possible after sex.
drink plenty of fluids, especially water – so that you pee regularly during the day and do not feel thirsty.
have a shower rather than a bath – this stops exposing your genitals to cleaning products for too long.
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avoid having sex. avoid drinks that may irritate your bladder, like fruit juices, coffee and alcohol. pee frequently.
Most UTIs are not considered serious. However, leaving it untreated can lead to more serious medical problems. Infection can likely spread to your kidneys and blood stream causing permanent damage, and even death.膀胱炎會自己好嗎
Cystitis, or a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), is very common in women but left untreated it can lead to a more serious health issue.
Can you flush out a UTI like cystitis by drinking lots of water? When you have an active bladder infection, drinking more water can potentially help too. Often referred to as 'flushing out the UTI', the idea is that by drinking more water you can help to move the bacteria through your system and out via the urine.
The symptoms will often come and go over time. There may be times lasting days, weeks or months where your symptoms improve, followed by flare-ups when they're worse. You might also find the pain is worse during your period or after having certain foods or drinks.
Since there's no known cure for chronic cystitis, treatment plans work to relieve symptoms and improve the daily life of a person with cystitis. Lifestyle changes, medication, or physical therapy are among the recommended treatment options. Doctors also suggest keeping track of when your symptoms flare up.母親節禮物
It can be a symptom of pregnancy or a urinary tract infection, or more serious or long-lasting conditions like diabetes, overactive bladder or prostate issues. In many cases, your healthcare provider can help relieve frequent peeing by treating the underlying condition.