Why is my cat acting strange aft...

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Why is my cat acting strange after sedation?

Your cat was given a general anesthetic or a sedative. These drugs can take several hours to wear off and may cause some patients to appear drowsy for a day or so. Over the next 24-48 hours, your cat's behavior should gradually return to normal. However, do not hesitate to contact the hospital if you are concerned.

How long does it take for a cat to recover from shock?

Cats recovering from shock usually have to stay at the vet's office or animal hospital for several days. However, it's important to their recovery that they see familiar faces and hear familiar voices. Talk to your cat and pet them often to reduce their stress.

What is normal reaction after vaccination?

Types of adverse events that may occur after vaccination

Injections site pain, redness or swelling are most commonly reported local adverse reactions. Systemic reactions include fever, headache, body aches, fatigue, etc. These reactions are usually mild and can last for several days.貓打針後反應

What are the side effects of a cat shot?

This can cause mild symptoms to occur ranging from soreness at the injection site to fever and allergic reactions. Cat vaccinations can cause other risks like injection site tumors and immune disease, however such incidences are extremely rare and are usually linked to pre-existing genetic and medical conditions.

How do I make my cat feel better?

Your cat needs more attention when sick. The cat might not like noise or high traffic, so keep him in a quiet space, away from any commotion. Provide a warm sleeping space, special food, and an easy-to-reach litter box. Make sure you don't provoke your cat or try to rile them up.

Why is my cat unresponsive and twitching?

Cat seizures manifest as unusual behaviours such as collapse, twitching, gnashing of the teeth and tremors. During a seizure, there are sudden, abnormal electrical impulses that disrupt the normal processes in the brain.滋陰潤肺食物

Is it normal for cats to act weird after vet?

If your cat seems traumatized by the vet, you may be wondering why they're acting weird even once they've back in the safety of their own home. As territorial animals, many cats struggle to be away from their home space, and they may arrive back home feeling disoriented and confused.

Can I put ice after an injection?

Older children and adults

If allowed, they can have paracetamol or ibuprofen if their arm is sore. Follow the directions on the packaging. If the injection site is red and warm to touch, you can put a cool wet cloth (not an ice pack) on their arm.

Do eggs reduce cat allergies?

After more than 10 years of research, Purina scientists discovered the primary cat allergen can be reduced when cats eat a diet containing a specific protein found in eggs.貓瘟會好嗎

What is a normal reaction to an allergy shot?

Reactions to allergy shots are common. Most reactions are local (redness and swelling where you got the shot). Rarely, reactions can affect your entire body. This is referred to as a systemic reaction, and it can be dangerous.

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