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Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level) (Year 9 & 10) | O Levels Singapore. The Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'O' Level Programme is a two-year programme that prepares students to be proficient in one or two languages, mathematics, science and humanities.
When leaving primary schools, all students must write the PSLE, the O level examinations (ordinary level) signify the end of students' secondary education, and the A level examinations (advanced level) signify the end of junior college.
Dress in well-fitting, business or business casual attire, and make sure that you appear neat and well-groomed. In choosing a top to wear, consider the background of your Zoom interview. You wouldn't, for example, want to wear the same color as the wall behind you, as this would be visually confusing.
The Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (or Singapore-Cambridge GCE O-Level) is a GCE Ordinary Level examination held annually in Singapore and is jointly conducted by the Ministry of Education (MOE), Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB) and the University of Cambridge ...polytechnic requirements
The Institute of Technical EducationThe Institute of Technical Education (ITE) is a post-secondary education institution and statutory board under the purview of the Ministry of Education in Singapore. Institute of Technical Education. 工艺教育学院 (Chinese)
Higher National ITE Certificate (Higher Nitec) for courses that cater to the upgrading needs of the workforce, and require GCE 'O' Level or GCE 'N' (Academic) Level with pre-requisites as an entry requirement. ITE Skills Certificate (ISC) for courses that cater to the upgrading needs of the workforce.
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Institute of Technical Education (ITE)
Students may apply to ITE's full-time National ITE Certification (Nitec) or Higher Nitec courses, or traineeship programmes conducted in partnership with employers.what is nitec
16 to 20+ years oldAre 16 to 20+ years old as of 1 January of the year of admission to the junior college (JC) or Millennia Institute (MI).
Junior Colleges in Singapore provide a 2-3 years pre-tertiary education program for students. Students will have to sit for the GCE A Levels Examinations at the end of the JC program to be eligible for University.