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How much does Big 4 Consultancy Firm pay per year? The average Big 4 Consultancy Firm salary ranges from approximately HK$27,902 per year (estimate) for a Senior Consultant to HK$1,462,066 per year (estimate) for a Partner.
How is it different from a master's degree? While a master's degree is commonly attained from a university, a level 7 diploma is usually achieved at an accredited training or specialist vocational centre. You need a minimum of 180 credits to achieve a master's degree but only 120 to complete a Level 7 Diploma.高級文憑
A higher diploma is an academic award by a university, college, other tertiary institutions, or post-secondary institutions. The award is at the same level as an associate degree or diploma/advanced diploma qualifications framework Level 4, but below the standard of a bachelor's degree.
universities accept students with Diploma qualifications.
Some students choose to study a Subsidiary Diploma (equivalent to one A Level) or a Diploma (equivalent to 2 A Levels) alongside additional academic subjects to help with university applications.
Upon completion of Diploma course, candidates can opt for higher studies to enroll in B.E./B. Tech or AMIE Certification or Graduation in specific disciplines or jobs in the prominent companies. The course makes students industry job ready to upskill their learning and expertise in the respective field.基礎文憑出路
Although there is much scope in terms of which Level 5 qualification one can study, the level of difficulty between each of the aforementioned qualification types stay the same. Level 5 qualifications roughly equate to an intermediary higher educational qualification.
Top 5 1-Year Diploma Courses After Graduation in India
A. Diploma in Digital Marketing. ...
B. Diploma in Financial Planning and Wealth Management. ...
C. Diploma in Human Resource Management. ...
D. Diploma in Graphic Designing. ...
E. Diploma in Event Management.
The Chinese government has justified its ban on international online programs as necessary to ensure quality. [Some agencies defrauded students with distance-learning programs that were packaged as Ministry of Education–recognized, foreign degree programs," Sang wrote in the translated statement.護理學高級文憑
It can either be postgraduate or postsecondary. An advanced diploma works to prepare students for a job in their chosen field of study in a shorter span or less time than a four-year degree. A postgraduate diploma in Canada can be pursued only after the completion of a bachelor's degree program.
A level 7 qualification is equivalent to a master's degree. It is also the second highest level of education available in the UK. There are multiple different qualifications available that fit within the [level 7" bracket. Diplomas are just one of the forms that a level 7 qualification can take.