Do Canadian universities accept ...

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Do Canadian universities accept associate degrees?

Associate Degree Canada Overview

In most cases, students pursue an associate degree and eventually apply for a bachelor's degree by transferring their credits. Many universities in British Columbia offer easy transferability as well.

What does ADP stand for?

Automatic Data Processing, IncAutomatic Data Processing, Inc.

What degree makes the most rich people?

What to study to become a billionaire? You can study Engineering, Economics/Finance, Politics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Law, or MBA to enhance your financial strength, as these are some of the highest-paying degrees in the world.基礎文憑升高級文憑

Is 3 year degree accepted in USA?

Though a limited number of US universities accept a three-year bachelor's degree, not all accept 3-years bachelor's directly. International students should also look into the terms and conditions that come along.

Is a degree from NYU respected?

Graduates of NYU often find successful careers in various fields, including finance, entertainment, law, and more. Overall, while NYU may not carry the same level of prestige as Ivy League institutions, it is still an excellent school with a strong reputation and many opportunities for its students.

What is the difference between associate and bachelor degree?

Associate degrees are typically 2-year programs, while bachelor's degree programs are typically 4 years and delve more deeply into the area of study.

What is the average age to go to university in Japan?

18 years oldStudents are normally 18 years old when they enter universities directly after they finish the 12th grade.

What level is a diploma?

Different levels of diploma are based on the standards of knowledge, skill and competence in a chosen field, with entry level diplomas providing basic foundation information, through levels 3 and 4 which equate to A-Level qualifications, to levels 6, 7 and 8 which are compared to graduate and postgraduate level ...

What was Mark Zuckerberg SAT score?

a 1600Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder of Facebook, indeed had an impressive SAT score. He scored a 1600, which was a perfect score on the SAT during the time he took it.

What is the equivalent of a computer science degree?

Computer science degrees might require mathematics, statistics, or engineering courses. A degree or specialization in information technology can teach students essential systems and networking concepts, security practices, and application development. Similar fields of study can be called information systems.

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