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Luckily, molluscum will go away on its own, but it can take a while. While no treatment is necessary, molluscum can spread through scratching or broken skin. A bland emollient, such as Cetaphil or Cerave cream, can be applied to the entire skin surface to maintain a healthy skin barrier and reduce the spread.dermatoscopes for sale
Most of the time, molluscum clears up on its own without treatment. Each bump goes away in about 2–3 months. New bumps can appear as old ones go away, so it can take 6-12 months (and sometimes longer) for molluscum to fully go away. Sometimes, doctors remove the bumps or help them go away more quickly.
Sometimes the molluscum turns red and gets larger in size right before going away. A bacterial skin infection may sometimes occur in the areas affected with molluscum, but this is uncommon. Children with eczema may develop more severe and widespread molluscum, and the infection may take longer to resolve.
When applied by a dermatologist, cantharidin is a safe and effective treatment for molluscum. It's often used to treat young children because it is painless when applied.
Molluscum is a common viral skin infection that causes small, harmless, raised spots to appear on the skin. It is caused by the molluscum contagiosum virus. Once infected, your child can easily spread molluscum to other people, or to different areas on their own body.
For most people the skin will clear without treatment, usually within 18 months. A few people continue to have bumps for longer. Treating molluscum may clear the skin more quickly; however, the bumps can return after treatment. It's also possible to pick up the virus again, which can cause new bumps.
Contact with infected objects, such as towels, kickboards and wrestling mats. Swimming in pools or hot tubs contaminated with the virus. Sexual contact with an affected partner. Scratching or rubbing the bumps, which spreads the virus to nearby skin.molluscum dermoscopy
The molluscum bumps themselves may become red and swollen, sometimes forming pus-filled pimples. This is usually a good sign that the immune system is fighting the virus and starting to clear the infection. When molluscum bumps go away, they may leave pink-purple or white spots that fade over time.
The molluscum bumps themselves may become red and swollen, sometimes forming pus-filled pimples. This is usually a good sign that the immune system is fighting the virus and starting to clear the infection. When molluscum bumps go away, they may leave pink-purple or white spots that fade over time.
Molluscum contagiosum is caused by a virus in the poxvirus family. This is different from the human papilloma virus (HPV) family that causes warts, but these two conditions are commonly discussed together because they are contagious viral diseases that cause skin lesions.