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When the bumps become red and look like pimples, it means your body is fighting off the virus. This change is a good sign. It means the bumps will soon clear.
Most of the time, molluscum clears up on its own without treatment. Each bump goes away in about 2–3 months. New bumps can appear as old ones go away, so it can take 6-12 months (and sometimes longer) for molluscum to fully go away. Sometimes, doctors remove the bumps or help them go away more quickly.
FDA has approved Ycanth (cantharidin) for the topical (used on the skin) treatment of molluscum contagiosum in adult and pediatric patients 2 years of age and older. Ycanth is the first FDA-approved treatment for molluscum. Ycanth is administered to patients only by health care providers.
Molluscum lesions begin as dome-shaped, shiny bumps with a central dimple or whitish [core." They are pink to skin-colored, and pinhead- to pencil eraser–sized. Molluscum may occur anywhere on the skin except the palms and soles.
Treatment for molluscum contagiosum
Minor discomfort can be treated with a topical steroid cream, oral benadryl for itch and gentle moisturizing. Rarely, the bumps can get infected.molluscum dermoscopy
Molluscum contagiosum is not always a sexually transmitted infection (STI). It can be spread by casual contact. Molluscum lesions are contagious. To prevent the spread of molluscum, avoid contact between your affected region and the skin of other people until the lesions disappear.
How to Prevent the Spread of Molluscum
Wash Your Hands. There are ways to prevent the spread of molluscum contagiosum. ...
Do not Scratch or Pick at Molluscum Bumps. ...
Keep Molluscum Bumps Covered. ...
Sports and Activities to Avoid or Be Careful With When You Have Molluscum.dermoscopy dermatofibroma
To perform cryosurgery, your dermatologist applies an extremely cold substance like liquid nitrogen to each molluscum bump. This extreme cold can effectively destroy the bumps. Because new molluscum bumps can form, you will need to return for treatment every 2 to 3 weeks until the bumps clear.
If your child has molluscum: Give your child showers instead of baths. The molluscum virus can spread to other parts of the body through the bath water. If your child does have a bath, don't share baths with other children and avoid bath toys.
Molluscum contagiosum often provokes localised eczema, particularly in atopic children. As the lesions resolve the papules may become inflamed (red and crusted) or necrotic (black scabs) and may leave punctate scars. Untreated, the papules resolve after a few months.