由 emmdoofwo 於 2024-09-27 09:35:25 發表 | 累積瀏覽 49
Phycocyanin Degradation Spirulina powder experienced phycocyanin degradation of 9.37% at 40°C and 57.23% at 100°C, while microencapsulated of spirulina experienced phycocyanin degradation of 4.28% at 40°C and 17.40% at 100°C (Fig. 1).phycocyanin color
Carotenoids absorb light at wavelengths from 400 to 600 nm. This part of the spectrum is primarily blue and green. Carotenoids reflect light in the yellow, orange and red parts of the spectrum. That is why they appear yellow, orange, and red to us.
Phycocyobilin (PC) (13) (Fig. 3) is the light blue-greenish pigment found in red algae and cyanobacteria. Algal phycocyanobilin (13) is used in food and beverages [60], such as, ice cream, confectionery, jellies and chewing gum [61]. It is one of the most widely used natural blue colorants in the food industry.
The name is a misnomer, because pink algae is not a true algae but is actually caused by a bacterium in the genus Methylobacterium. The color of the bacterial growth comes from pigments within its cells. The slime formed around the bacteria provides it with a relatively high level of protection from external threats.
Phycoerythrin (PE) is a pink/red-colored pigment found in rhodophytes, cryptophytes, and blue-green algae (cyanobacteria).
A variety of pigments, like chlorophyll, carotenoids and phycobiliproteins which exhibit different colors are present in cyanobacteria.
Most are medium-sized, come in colors of red, green, brown, and black, and randomly wash up on beaches and shorelines just about everywhere. The vernacular [seaweed" is a bona-fide misnomer, because a weed is a plant that spreads so profusely it can harm the habitat where it takes hold.
At present, five categories of chlorophylls have been identified, including a–f, and their maximal absorption wavelengths (λAmax) are, 665, 652, 630, 696 and 707 nm, respectively. Most pigments can bind to several phyla, while chlorophyll a is the most abundant in microalgae [25].
Phycocyanin is sensitive to pH, temperature, and light. Optimal stability occurs between pH 5.5–6.0 and at temperatures
Blue spirulina is a blue-green algae that grows in both fresh and salt water. It can primarily be found in lakes and rivers and has a bitter, fishy flavor to it. It's considered a superfood due to the number of nutrients and antioxidants it contains.