嚴厲反對四川災區殺貓殺狗行動! (Pls stop killing the dogs and cats in Sichaun...)

玻璃朱Bonnie 於 2008-05-23 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 111


四川救人的義犬, 你們卻要殺害牠嗎?

今日睇度哩段新聞, 話要下令係災區見一隻殺一隻...有無攪x錯呀? d災民仲竟然話"狗死好過人死"?? 又一次証明無文化嘅人做d嘢都野蠻d...

真係唔明, 人哋日本地震, 又唔聽見要去殺貓狗? 仲要去救佢哋啦! 你哋哩d中國人, 走難唔帶埋d寵物走? 點解? 佢唔係你哋家庭嘅一份子嗎? 你真係當佢哋係玩具囉...哩d人無資格養寵物!!!

你哋哩d人, d狗(搜索犬)都有份去救你哋啦...剛剛睇到新聞, 喺彭川有兩隻流浪狗不斷牴一個被大石壓住8日嘅女人, 又不斷吠引起咗救護人員注意最終令哩個女人獲救...點解你哋仲要恩張仇報?

有人話等佢哋去咗好過係度辛苦...d災民夠辛苦啦無手無腳又無晒d親人, 點解都要努力生存落去? 仲叫d人民自備打狗棒去殺狗, 你話有幾人道, 隻狗要痛苦幾耐先去吖?

點解唔花d時間去將d屍體盡快火化, 而花時間去殺佢哋...火化咗d屍體咪可以小d傳染囉...其實世衛都話最緊要d食水清潔就得...好應該對症下藥, 唔應該有小部份嘅狗因肚餓同人爭食而去殺佢哋...若真有瘋狗症, 噉點解貓都殺??? 完全係籍口!!!








The aftermath of the earthquake not only took the lives of countless people, but have also led to a large number of strayed cats and dogs. Having lost their owners in the catastrophe, these previously owned pets are left to survive on their own, rummaging through debris and wreckage for food and basic survival needs.

However, under the fear of potential rabies and epidemic problems, the provincial government has handed down an order to kill animals that lost homes in mass in Sichuan earthquake region! People are advised to equip themselves with poles and sticks, and are encouraged to form "dog slaying" squads to kill any dogs and cats they come across... How cold-blooded can people be??

This is ridiculous! In one hand, rescue dogs are used to help find survivors, and then they are killing dogs and cats that lost home at the same time? I mean, itis not like they chose to lose their owners!

In fact according to the WHO, as long as the hygiene levels are maintained and the bodies of the deceased are handled appropriately, potential of an epidemic outbreak can be effectively reduced.

Other countries frequently affected by earthquakes like Japan and Taiwan has never made such absurd decisions to massacre stranded pets, as a matter of fact they even put effort to save these stranded animals. Why can't we Chinese find a better solution and have to turn to such barbaric ways?

The mere thought of what the dogs and cats have to face sends chills down my spine.

How can we sit and do nothing about such nonsense?





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感謝 玻璃朱Bonnie 提供以上資料

玻璃朱Bonnie的網誌: http://www.bonniechucity.com


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