坪輋村兇案的狗急需領養Dogs in the Crime scene in Ping Cher will send to SPCA

玻璃朱Bonnie 於 2009-07-14 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 203


Video of the dogs (and almost the end) http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/template/apple/art_main.php?iss_id=20090710&sec_id=4104&art_id=12972541

本會HEART跟愛協人士聯絡過, 在坪輋一家四口滅門慘案後遺下被害人的七頭狗隻 (4隻兩月大黑色小唐狗及兩頭成年唐狗及一隻成年牧羊狗). 本會當知道受害者家人找不到人安置牠們後, 曾嘗聯絡想幫手找一些民間動物組織代為領養. 但當時人因未肯露面及為免麻煩, 決定全批狗隻將一同交與及愛協.

眾所周知愛協領養手續煩覆需時, 又怕他們籍口地說狗隻不適合領養而人道毀滅. 本會已聯絡愛協並提出警告, 由於狗隻去留十分受到大眾關注, 若不好好安排或又再人道毀滅在愛協手中, 一定會引起公憤, 著他們一定要小心處理, 與其他動物組織合作, 幫手REHOME此批狗隻.

據知全部狗隻十分健康, 有善親人. 但兩隻大唐狗有一點點兒怕陌生(餵牠們時可以摸), 雖要些時間去相處取得信任. 而大約明天15th JULY 愛協便會去取狗, 若有心收養的人士請盡快聯絡愛協, 免得牠們也走上主人的道路.

Our animal organization HEART was contact with SPCA about the murder case (whole family got kill) in Ping Cher, there are 7 dogs left in the crime scene (4 mongrel 2 months old baby and 1 adult Shepherd dog and 2 adult mongrel). When we confirmed the family's member can't find anyone to adopte them, we try to contact and want to help them to find someone to rehome the dogs. But they don't want anymore hassle so they decided to past all dogs to SPCA.

Everybody know that's quite complicated to go through the adoption process of SPCA, and we are very concern about SPCA will euthanasia the dogs with some excuse. I already warning them have to be very careful to handle this case cause a lot of people very concern about. And asked them to try to cooperate with other animal's organization to help to rehome those dogs.

As we know all dogs are very health and friendly, just 2 of the adult mongrel a bit afraid of strangers so it take a bit time to get closer or trust. SPCA will go to pick the dogs on 15th July, so anyone want to adoption pls contact the SPCA ASAP.


Help Ensure Animal Rights Together (HEART)






感謝 玻璃朱Bonnie 提供以上資料

玻璃朱Bonnie的網誌: http://www.bonniechucity.com


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