What kind of fruits and vegetables are suitable for Rabbits and Guinea Pigs?

煮‧食‧樂 於 2013-06-15 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 746

For Rabbits:

High fiber fruits are the best choice:  
Sugar can upset the micro-organism balance in the cecum so try these in limited quantities:
  • Apples (NOT the seeds – they are toxic)
  • Pears
  • Nectarines
  • Peaches
  • Papaya
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Bananas and grapes (very limited amounts – they are very high in sugar)
  • Pineapple (some varieties are too acidic and will burn mouth tissues - so be careful)
DO NOT Give Your Rabbit These:
  • Human treats or candies
  • Cereals
  • Nuts
  • Breads
  • Chocolate
  • Grains like crackers or pasta
  • Pet store treats or chews full of dried corn, sugar, etc. 

    Here are some vegetables to offer your rabbit and their calcium content per cup (less calcium is better): 
    • Beet Greens 46mg
    • Broccoli 42 mg
    • Carrots and tops 30 mg
    • Chicory Greens 180 mg
    • Cilantro 16 mg
    • Collard Greens 218 mg
    • Water Cress 40 mg
    • Dandelion Greens 103 mg
    • Kale 94 mg
    • Romaine Lettuce 20 mg
    • Leaf Lettuce 38 mg
    • Mustard Greens 58 mg
    • Parsley 78 mg
    • Sweet Peppers 6 mg
    • Pumpkin Leaves 24 mg
    • Radish and Leaves 28 mg
    • Turnip Greens 105 mg
    Rabbits also enjoy herbs like mint, basil, rosemary, anise and others in small amounts.
     What NOT to feed your rabbit:
    • Beans – None of them! (dried beans can cause a blockage, too)
    • Beets
    • Cabbage (can cause gas)
    • Coffee or tea leaves or plants (I lived on a coffee farm in Kona, drink it yourself and don’t give any part of it to your rabbits)
    • Corn (also, dried can cause a blockage)
    • Green beans
    • Onions
    • Nuts (can cause blockages)
    • Peas (dried can also cause a blockage)
    • Potatoes
    • Rhubarb
    • Spinach (high calcium oxalate content)
    • Packaged greens mixes in a bag (many contain spinach).

    For Guinea Pigs:

    Fruit is sweeter than vegetables and has a much higher sugar and acidity content. This can lead to your cavies getting fat, and can also cause problems such as sores around the mouth. Guinea pigs also tend not to like fruit as much as vegetables. Because of these reasons, fruit should only be fed occasionally, and not on a daily basis.
  • Apples - These can be quite acidic, so choose varieties that are more 'flowery' and less 'crunchy'. Leave the skin on as guinea pigs love this part best.
  • Banana - Relatively low in vitamin C but rich in other nutrients.
  • Cherries - Some guinea pigs like their sweet taste, others find them too rich. Feed these occasionally.
  • Cranberries - Very high in vitamin C. Many guinea pig owners also recommend cranberry juice, particularly when nursing a sick pig back to health. Don't feed too much though or it can cause stomach upset.
  • Grapefruit - Pink, red, and white varieties are all good sources of vitamin C, but they can be too sour for some pigs. They are high in water content so are refreshing in warm weather.
  • Kiwi - Extremely high in vitamin C and considered very good for cavies.
  • Mango - Their high water content makes them very refreshing.
  • Melon - Again, high in water content. Be sure to remove all seeds before feeding.
  • Oranges - You can feed your pigs any variety of orange citrus fruit, including satsumas, tangerines, and clementines. With all of these, be sure to remove the pips and rind.
  • Peaches - Fairly low in vitamin C but refreshing.
  • Pear - Very watery and low in nutritional value, these are best reserved purely for refreshment on hot summer days.
  • Raisins - These are a convenient size, but are very sweet so shouldn't be given too often.
  • Raspberries - Some guinea pigs find these too tart to eat, others love them.
  • Strawberries - Another popular summer fruit, also very high in vitamin C.

Fruit to Avoid

Guinea pigs will eat most types of fruit, but some vets believe that grapes can lead to kidney disease and are best avoided. If you do decide to feed them to your pets, be sure to give them seedless grapes.

Vegetables and Salad:

These should form the main part of your guinea pigs' fresh food diet, as they contain more nutrients and vitamins than fruit but without the high sugar levels. Below is a list of common vegetables and salad items, along with any specific preparation advice:
  • Beetroot - This should be in raw form rather than pickled. It is high in antioxidants and other nutrients. Guinea pigs love the leaves as well as the root itself. Feeding too often may result in red urine.
  • Bell peppers - These are very high in vitamin C. Remember to remove all seeds before giving them to your pets.
  • Broccoli - High in vitamin C, but can cause an upset stomach if fed too frequently.
  • Cabbage - This must be dark green. Again, it can cause stomach trouble if given too frequently.
  • Carrots - Cavies also love the leaves, so buy in bunches with leaves intact.
  • Cauliflower leaves - Guinea pigs shouldn't be fed the flower itself, but the leaves are very good for them.
  • Celery - A very popular food, and the leaves can be fed as well. Be sure to cut it into small chunks as it is very stringy and can be difficult to eat.
  • Corn - Guinea pigs love the raw kernels, as well as the leaves.
  • Cucumber - This is mostly water and so has little nutritional value. However, it is excellent for keeping your pets cool and providing an extra source of water in hot weather.
  • Dandelion leaves - When available (during the spring and summer), these are a great leaf to feed your pets.
  • Kale - This is related to the cabbage family, and is very similar to cabbage leaves. Very high in vitamin C.
  • Parsley - A good vitamin C source and very popular, but it is also high in calcium, so avoid it if your pet has a history of developing bladder stones.
  • Romaine (cos) lettuce - Dark, leafy lettuces such as Romaine are an excellent source of nutrients. However, you should avoid other types of lettuce such as iceberg (see below).
  • Tomatoes - Baby tomatoes are ideal, or you can feed your pigs a slice from a larger tomato. Be sure to remove the seeds if doing this, and also remove the green stalk as this can be poisonous.

Vegetables to Avoid

  • Iceberg lettuce - This contains a toxin which causes an upset stomach in guinea pigs. It is also very watery and has little nutritional value, so avoid it.
  • Potatoes - These are too starchy to be properly broken down, and can also become poisonous if they turn green or begin to sprout.
  • Rhubarb - Again, this can cause digestion and stomach problems.


感謝 煮‧食‧樂 提供以上資料

煮‧食‧樂的網誌: http://ilovedisneyland-ilovecookeatfun.blogspot.hk/


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