The first new year card from my sponsored child

煮‧食‧樂 於 2012-01-19 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 662

分類:其他 園藝

Pretty, right ?
Water Lily is the national flower of Bangladesh.

National Flower of HongKong

Image of orchid
The Bauhinia Blakeanaor Orchid Bauhinia flower which appears on the regional flag of Hongkong is the national flower of the country. The Bauhinia Blakeana which are also called the beautiful Hong Kong Orchid Tree is a member of the Fabaceae or Legume family and give beautiful large purple-red flowers covering the entire umbrella-shaped crown, in the winter Starting before Thanksgiving and continue until April.

Other Native and Popular Flowers of HongKong

The flora of Hongkong is of a mixed nature: partly tropical, partly subtropical and partly temperate, it is famous for the exotic flowering trees and shrubs. Magnolia, Hong Kong Camellia, Palms, Bauhinia, Azalea, Rhododendron, Yulan, Saucer Magnolia, Chinese Magnolia, Purple Camel's Foot, Hibiscus Mutabilis Chinese Bell, Red Bottle Brush, Melastoma, Musseander, and Flame Flowers are some of the famous varieties of flowers grown in the Botanical Gardens of Hongkong. For gifting purposes, White, Pink and Red Roses, Carnations, Orchids and Lilies are very Famous in Hong kong.


感謝 煮‧食‧樂 提供以上資料

煮‧食‧樂的網誌: http://ilovedisneyland-ilovecookeatfun.blogspot.hk/


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