[煮]Making Tofu at home 自製鹽滷豆腐初體驗

煮‧食‧樂 於 2011-11-26 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 630

  • 500ml Unsweetened Soy Milk 無糖豆漿
  • 6g Bittern (Nigari)  mix with 3 tbp of water 3湯匙水溝入6g鹽滷
  • Tofu box
  • Microwave correspondence container 微波爐專用兜
鹽滷是在銅鑼灣City'super裏的博多屋有售, $22/450ml
This bittern (Nigari)  is available at City'super in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong and it costs $22 for 450ml.

製豆腐盒是在吉之島Living Plaza(以前叫$10店)有售, 售300円(HKD$25)
Tofu box is available at Jusco Living Plaza, $25 for one.

Step one:
Put the soy milk into the microwave correspondence container and heat for 8 minutes (Turn off the heat before it is boiled up) 把豆漿倒入微波爐專用兜, 並開動至大約8分鐘, 千萬不要煮至沸騰。

Step Two:

Take another empty pot, pour  some Bittern (Nigari) mixture into the pot and gently shake well.  Quickly rushed into the soy milk from 60 cm height down to the pot, leave for 20 minutes and it can be condensed into bean curd (the pot cannot be moved at this period of time).
  將豆漿由60cm高處快速沖入裝有鹽露水的鍋子 靜置20分,即可凝結成豆花(此時鍋子不要有任何移動)  。


Step three:
After 20minutes, it becomes more solidified.  20 分鐘,它變得更加凝固了。

Pour the curd into the wooden tofu box slowly 豆花撈入豆腐模內。

Step four: 

 Wrap the curd with filter cloth and get the lid on it. 摺好棉布巾並蓋上木蓋。

Step five:

Place the weight on the top of the tofu box for 25 to 30 minutes. 以重物壓25至30分鐘。

 Step six:

30 minutes later......30 分鐘以後

 Take the tofu out of the tofu box, unwrap and HERE IT COMES ~



感謝 煮‧食‧樂 提供以上資料

煮‧食‧樂的網誌: http://ilovedisneyland-ilovecookeatfun.blogspot.hk/


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