Hong Kong Wine and Dine Festival 2011香港美酒佳餚巡禮

煮‧食‧樂 於 2011-10-30 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 737

分類:展覽 品酒 ;地區:佐敦

$200 for a classic wine pass, it consists of 10 wine tokens for wine tasting at any wine booths at the venue (except the Grand Tasting Pavilion) and a few gift tokens for free sampling of delicacies or drinks offered by the sponsors. A Stölzle wine glass with a glass pouch will be provided.



When we arrived...

people is everywhere and the sky is not clear :(
At the beginning, I thought this West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade is a huge place, there are some booths for selling wines, food which is situated on an appointed selling area, besides those area is a piece of grassland, a relaxing place.  I can take a walk with my beloved one, enjoying wines and sitting on the grass to have sunbath, that's the perfect way to enjoy life.  :D

What did we do when Mr. Sunshine was still working hard?

Bye Bye Mr. Sunshine, but we're still having fun, we don't wanna go home yet :P


Oh no, it's 2230. Time to back home. Am I drunk?  So much illusion, sparkling, twinkle twinkle little stars.....so fantasy!


感謝 煮‧食‧樂 提供以上資料

煮‧食‧樂的網誌: http://ilovedisneyland-ilovecookeatfun.blogspot.hk/


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