雖然唔係LC, 不過佢都係cast iron黎架
燒熱咗個鐵板, 一放啲材料上去聽到吱吱聲就特别興奮
老公又超愛我依個新菜式, 一路食一路話好味
但係又驚第二日唔夠帶飯, 又想食但又敢唔食晒, 超搞笑
豆腐(切薄) 6件
洋蔥(切絲) 半個
紅椒(切絲) 半個
蒜蓉 1茶匙
九層塔 適量
牛油 少許
Tofu 6 pieces
1/2 Onion (sliced)
1/2 Capsicum (sliced)
1 clove of Garlic (crushed)
Basil leaves (pinch)
1 tbsp Butter
豉油 1湯匙
蠔油 1湯匙
甜辣醬 2湯匙
水 1湯匙
紹興酒 1茶匙
Soy sauce 1tbsp
Oyster sauce 1tbsp
Sweet chili sauce 1tbsp
Water 1tbsp
Shao xing wine 1tsp
1. 豆腐用廚房紙吸乾後用中火煎至兩面金黄
2. 將豆腐推到一邊, 然後放入蒜蓉同紅椒
3. 加入醬汁炆煮5分鐘
4. 同一時間將鐵板燒熱, 放入牛油
5. 待牛油溶化後加入洋蔥爆香
6. 放上豆腐同九層塔, 淋上醬汁, 即可
1. Dry the tofu using paper towel and then pan fry them until both sides are golden.
2. Move tofu to one side of the pan and then fry garlic and capsicum.
3. Pour the sauce mixture over the capsicum and cook on low heat for 5 minutes.
4. Meanwhile heat up the hot plate and melt the butter.
5. Once butter has melted stir fry onions on the hot plate.
6. Finally place the tofu and basil on the hot plate and pour the sauce over it. DONE!
感謝 CatKitchen 提供以上資料