8 pcs Scallops
100g Chorizo
Juice of 1/2 Lemon
1. 西班牙肉腸切成3mm薄片
2. 不用
下油將西班牙肉腸煎至兩面金黃, 盛起備用
3. 用同一隻鑊將帶子每面煎一分鐘
4. 西班牙肉腸回鑊, 再倒入檸檬汁煮至滾起
5. 最後灑上荷蘭芹, 即可
1. Slice the chorizo into rounds no thicker than 3mm
2. Dry-fry the chorizo until crisped on both side
3. Remove the chorizo and pan fry the scallops in the chorizo-oil for about 1 minute on each side
4. Return the chorizo to the pan, add lemon juice and let bubble for a few second
5. Sprinkle with parsley, DONE!