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Farewell, Tris

bakingmaniac 於 2009-11-30 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 514


一個週末,做兩個蛋糕,史無前例。本來經過餅聚,已經很累很累,休息了一夜之後也是非常的睏,眉間酸酸的,一面倦容。只是到了晚上,一開始做Farewell cake,就不知從哪裡來的勁兒,「鬼打咁精神」,就連《宮心計》的大結局也要讓路。是次做的是Hazel nut latter mousse cake with Oreo base。Encore了妹妹的生日蛋糕,只是餅底跟裝飾轉了。不過,是次餅面裝飾,家人則一致劣評,說感覺太求其;同事呢,卻剛好相反。是否求其?自己做就知。其實比起以往的,這個餅面裝飾,起碼用平常的雙倍時間。側面的朱古力樹皮碎,是非常花時間的,單單是圍邊一層忌廉,已用上廿分鐘去弄致平滑。餅面的岩石朱古力塊,則是蛋撻皇子教的技巧,來一次實習,又用了廿分鐘。誰說求其?只不過整體感覺有點raw,看慣工整設計的,就覺得它凌亂,其實只不過一反平常的常規而已。不過,意見還是要接受的,只是沒想到岩石質感的朱古力塊,會不受歡迎。在這裡祝願Tris新環境順順利利,事事順心。

One weekend, two cake, broke my own record. Originally, I was totally exhausted after the first baking gathering, that I was sooooo sleepy on the very next day. However, it was just like magic when I started making farewell cake for Tris that all the energy was back in a sudden!! This time, I’ve made a Hazel nut latter mousse cake with Oreo base same as sis’s bday cake with a different base and deocration. My parents commented that the decoration is no good and seemed doesn’t need any effort to make it, while colleagues all like it very much. Beauty only appears in the eyes of the beholders. Actually, I’ve spent extra effort in this decoration. The side and the chocolate on the top that I learned on Saturday night.  I just wanna make it looks like more artistic instead of like normal cakes. It seems that the scrap paper like chocolate decoration could not win the hearts of my ” audiences” . Here wish Tris everything sails smooth.

今天老闆竟然因為時差而請假,簡直匪夷所思,他是星期六回來的,昨日是星期日…….只許州官放火,不許百姓點燈,無話可說。不過,亦難得多一天「無皇管」,心情大好。中午決定率性而為,乘小巴到外面吃飯,上車後隨心情而決定吃什麼,車到哪有feel就有下車,結果於港大對面的Freshness Burger用膳。率性的可愛之處,就是能為你帶來驚喜,只要不影響人就可以了,而今天則賺了片刻獨處的寧靜,我點的豆腐burger亦是一個驚喜之作。

You know what, so-called boss take a day leave after he’s back from Canada on Sat because of jet lag!! Unbelievable indeed!!! Well, I could enjoy one extra day with a FULL lunch and no OT. So I just got on a mini-van and got off by chance. Finally I had my lunch at Freshness Burger, a Japanese style “healthy” burger cafe. Sometimes, without any plan, just act towards your feelings will bring out nice surprise and could buy you a moment of inner peace. The tofu veggie burger was indeed a very nice surprise today.

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