Hazel nut chocolate truffles

bakingmaniac 於 2009-11-04 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 679




黑朱古力70%    100g

牛奶/淡忌廉     50g

焦糖杏仁/榛果    適量

可可粉/抹茶粉/糖霜  適量


1. 朱古力隔熱水坐溶,加入牛奶/淡忌廉拌勻;

2. 再加入焦糖杏仁/榛果拌勻;

3. 放入雪櫃雪硬,取出搓成圓形,每粒包入焦糖杏仁/榛果;

4. 最後滾上可可粉 / 抹茶粉 / 糖霜便成。

松露朱古力(Chocolate Truffles)為什麼叫松露呢?是否所以名牌每一百克發售的朱古力都叫松露朱古力?是誰以及哪個國家發明的呢?這次就跟大家分享一下這小小冷知識。松露朱古力是由誰發明的,眾說紛紜。就像為什麼香港會被命名戚香港也有三個不同典故。第一個說法是由Henri Nestle於1879年發明的[註一]。至於Wiki記載的則遲一點[註二],由M. Dufour於發明的,1902正式進駐倫敦。最後一個說法就是由一位法國餅師Auguste Escoffier 於1920年代,本來想做蛋糕,卻「鬼掩眼」把煮熱的忌廉倒進了放朱古力的盆。一次意外就造就了松露朱古力的誕生[註三]。個人覺得似乎第一個說法比較合理。


現今松露朱古力有不同的特色,大體分加拿大、美國、瑞士、歐洲幾種。加拿大的松露朱古力,愛用餅乾碎做coating,做的過程也會加點花生醬。美國呢?Truffles這個字幾乎被濫用,什麼朱古力也愛冠上truffles之 名。花生醬也是美國愛加的其中之一種「調味」,通常會加牛奶朱古力、牛油或者椰油,最最最多反式脂肪的。瑞士的松露朱古力,跟法國傳統的比較接近,至少沒 有撇除忌廉成份,不過亦混了牛油增加口感。最特別的是會倒進模定形後才洒可可粉。歐洲的松露會偏甜,因為會用上糖漿做食材,外層coating也會選用奶粉。至於我今次做的,要算是日本種的喲!日本嗜甜的都會以法國為依歸,都拜藍帶廚藝學院的大名所賜吧!



Chocolate is pampering sweeties that people can rarely resist. I love dark chocolate most because of its unique bitter taste. Dark chocolate is actually a very encouraging treats to someone who is blue. The unique bitterness among the sweet favor is just similar to the spirit of life. In our life, very often we face downturns which make us feeling despair. However, we would sometimes experience warmth and happiness from our beloved ones.  Like chocolate, if you experience a sweet life, congratulations!! However, bitterness could make us grow and could make us treasure our sweet moment like precious.

I’ve stocked too much dark chocolate that nearly expired. Therefore, I’ve made a big lot of chocolate truffles. Truffles are something luxurious, something noble and something precious to share. Chocolate truffles can send warmth and encouragement. I haven’t tried the Canadian style that coats with crackers, not the Americans ones with heavy sugar level. I did tried the French style that mixed with dairy cream. This time, I’ve adopted a Japanese style.  :) Colleagues all love them.

Autumn is a good season to sent warmth while winter is a good season to send out love. :)

Recipe adopted from a local radio-broadcast site:

Chocolate Truffles

Serving: 16-20 pieces


70% dark chocolate                100g

35%Fat Dairy Cream              50g

Cocoa/ Green Tea powder       3-5 Tsp (For 1st round coating)

Icing Sugar                             3-5 (For 2nd round coating)


  1. Melt chocolate on a double boiler together with the cream. Keep the chocolate below 45 degree Celsius
  2. Pour the mixture in any flat pan with baking paper or aluminum foil as base. Cool in refrigerator till it turns to solid
  3. Put on gloves, use teaspoon to scoop enough portions and re-shape it as ball-like with hand. You may insert any roasted nuts in each. I’ve inserted hazel nut.
  4. Coat with cocoa or green tea power immediately after shaped up and put on a cold plate.
  5. Put in refrigerator to make them harden.
  6. For green tea ones, coat with icing sugar as second round coating.


  • If you find that the chocolate is too soft in the shaping process, stop for a while and put all the stuff in the refrigerator for 5-10 mins before you continue.
  • Reason to coat the green tea ones with another layer of icing sugae  is to reduce the extra bitterness from the green tea powder



1) http://www.articlesbase.com/chocolate-articles/chocolate-truffles-long-and-delicious-history-624799.html/9461024403

2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chocolate_truffle

3) http://www.thenibble.com/reviews/main/chocolate/chocolate-truffle-history.asp

4) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganache

  • 攻略日期:N/A
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