5) 拌匀的粉槳放入已放不沾纸的烤盆上,用刮刀盡量刮平。注意四角要有足够粉桨。
5) Pour finished batter into a lined tray. Use a flat scraper to level the surface as much as you could. Important to make sure all four corners are filled evenly.
6) 放入預熱160c(fan forced) 焗炉裏焗20-25一分。用手指輕按蛋糕面,如反彈至原位,蛋糕已熟。從焗盆取出放架上。把四邊不沾紙撕開待涼。
6)Put it in a preheated 160c( fan forced) oven to bake for 20-25 minutes. Use your gingers to lightly tap on top of the cake. If your cake is done, the finger mark should bounce back immediately. Take the cake out of the baking tray while it's still hot and peeled off the 4 sides baking paper to cool.
7) 蛋糕涼後把底纸撕去。
7) Once the cake is completely cool. Peel off the paper completely.
8) 把蛋糕面的一面向上,塗上已打好的忌廉。
8) having the upper surface up, spread the whipped cream on to the cake.
9) distribute the mango slices evenly on top of the cream.resever a few slices to decorate at the end.
10) 從短的一面慢慢卷起, 収口位向下用紙包好,放雪柜定形至少一小时。
10) roll it up slowly from the shorter side,having the end facing down and wrap it up with paper and refrigerate for at least an hour for it to set.
11) 吃前放上餘下的芒果片和藍莓,然后灑上糖霜。