Recently have fallen in love with low temperature roasting. Taste good as well as not too "heaty"(Chinese phrase!). Much more juicier than the ones you get from fast food outlet. I remember the good old days, the little corner fastfood shop used to deep fried them raw. These day, the chain stores boiled them in the master stock first and only give it a short time fried. The texture is like eating bark.
之前做過低温焼全雞,巳對低温焼肉有非常好的印象,也試過燒翼(http://morningteasydney.blogspot.com/2013/09/blog-post.html 和
I have cooked it accordingly to Heston's perfect roast chicken previously and was very impressed with the result. Also tried chicken wings in the similar way.
(http://morningteasydney.blogspot.com/2013/09/blog-post.html 和
http://morningteasydney.blogspot.com/2013/10/roast-chicken-wings-with-osmamthus-syrup.html)both turned out to be very successful and easy to do at home.
1kg 雞脾(最好連上脾因为多D汁)
Ingredients :
1kg chicken merryland(chicken merryland is juicier than drumstick)
20g sea salt
600ml water
Firstly melt the salt in water and put chicken and salt water(brine) in a zip lock bag and sealed. Put in fridge to marinate 24 hours. During that time you can turn the bag a couple of times.
Remove the chicken from the fridge 1 hour prior to roast time to return the chicken back to room temperature. Preheat oven to 90c, put chicken in a roasting pan with a shallow rack. Roast chicken for 90-110minutes(depends on your oven and how well cook you prefer), use a meat thermometer to measure if the meat reach 65-70. If you prefer a bit pink is 65c and cook more is 70c. Turn up the oven to 250c and roast each side for 5 minutes or until prefer browness. Remove from oven and rest for 10 minutes. If prefer, brush a bit of honey on chicken before serve.
感謝 Morning Tea 提供以上資料
Morning Tea的網誌:http://morningteasydney.blogspot.hk/