"completely rubbish"
這一段的原文是:"I think that is completely rubbish that we have violated civil rights, nor have we violated freedom of speech, because every single activity of the Vice-Premier has been covered by the media."
有網友說唐英年的英文水皮,錯了文法,應該是complete rubbish。
....第一, completely是副詞( adverb),副詞怎可以修飾名詞 rubbish?「簡直廢話」英文可說 complete/ utter/ absolute/ pure rubbish等,即「形容詞+名詞」。當然,說 completely/ utterly nonsensical等也可以,但那是「副詞+形容詞」。這一點,無非小學英文常識,唐英年請不要再搞錯了......
誠然,我們是用形容詞 來修飾名詞 ,所以說complete( 形容詞) rubbish ( 名詞 )。
副詞 是用來修飾動詞 和形容詞 的,That is completely rubbish 是That is rubbish completely 的倒裝句,這個completely是修飾那個動詞 is ("verb to be")的-----「是」垃圾「是」到甚麼程度呢?「完全是」!
語意和Complete Rubbish是有一點細微的區分,雖然是表達類似的意思。
日常會話之中,說 That is complete rubbish 比 That is completely rubbish 普遍,但不能說後者是一個低級錯誤。我舉另一個說法 That is absolutely rubbish,大家或會覺得通順一點,因為聽得比較多!
再要挑骨頭的話, I think that is completely rubbish that we have violated civil rights.....的第一個 that 字,用 It 會好一點,不會前一個 that後一個 that。
古德明關於那個 nor 字的分析是對的。
如果有機會再來一次,一定要發惡保留rubbish這個批評 ,這樣說就(在文法上) 對了:
"I think that is complete rubbish! We have not violated civil rights, nor have we violated freedom of speech......"
古德明: http://www.hkej.com/template/forum/php/forum_details.php?blog_posts_id=72141
陳雲: http://life.mingpao.com/cfm/dailynews3.cfm?File=20110825%2Fnclvx001%2Fvx001a.txt
感謝 子貓物語 提供以上資料
子貓物語的網誌: http://chrisleung1954.blogspot.hk/