To Whom It may Concerm;
Oru Refugee Camp. Oru, Ogun State, Nigeria. 2010 figures show that over 5000 people live in Oru Refugee Camp. These people are originally from many countries in Africa: Liberia, Sierra Leone, Central Africa Republic, Congo, Erytrea, Cote-d’Ivoire, Togo, and more.
Some of these people have lived there for twenty years, children born in this time have known no other home. integration into Nigerian society has proved difficult leaving the refugees feeling ostracised and persecuted.
The camp clinic closed in 2005 and since then health in the camp has dramatically deteriorated. Without contraception HIV/AIDS has spread and many more children are born into the abject poverty. Without a regular income many daughters are forced into prostitution to bring home money for food for their parents and siblings.
Education and training is a fundamental need to allow the refugees to make choices about their future and let them earn an independent living. This is why the work of Ausnibe Developers is so crucial in this and many other refugee camps. These camps are supposed to be temporary homes for refugees and offer little or no facilities for people. But if given no other alternative the people are stuck there and the camps will only get bigger thereby increasing the scale of an already serious problem..
With the terror posed by the Boko Haram, an islamic terrosist group that has no regard for western Education..The camp is now increasing critically alot of people flee from their homes in the Borno region where it's most affected to the Oru camp. Risght now the total number of people in camp is over 8000.
We are using this medium to reach to Pastors, Christians , well meaning individuals and companies to come to the aid of this hopeless ones.
Basically we need money, cloths , food and essentials daily to get the Camp to accomodate them take care of some of their basic needs.
Please you can support by contacting us through this email .
Nigeria 這個國家的名字已經臭不可聞,因為幾年來無數的訛稱有鉅額存款找你過橋提取的詐騙電郵,都是說來自Nigeria的銀行經理或死者親屬,以至這類電郵不管來自何處,也給人稱為 Nigerian Scam。
用報道的文字擇錄一兩句來google一下,會指引到一篇真實的難民救濟機構的報道(上文的前半部,一模一樣)----不過這也有何難?copy and paste就可以了。後半部的戲肉才是發信人的創作(拼錯英文字和文法不對的地方很多)。再看那個發電郵的來源,並不是那個難民救濟機構,而是一個gmail戶口,其可信性有多少?可思過半矣。
Hope you get this on time, sorry I didn't inform you about my trip in Spain for a Program, I'm presently in Barcelona and am having some difficulties here because i misplaced my wallet on my way to the hotel where my money and other valuable things were kept. presently i have limited access to internet, I will like you to assist me with a loan of 2,800 Euros to sort-out my hotel bills and to get myself back home.
I have spoken to the embassy here but they are not responding to the matter effectively, I will appreciate whatever you can afford to assist me with, I'll Refund the money back to you as soon as I return, let me know if you can be of any help. I don't have a phone where I can be reached. Please let me know immediately.
我馬上可以肯定,這是「流」的,因為完全不像她平日的行文風格。還有,是From 她的電郵 To 自己的電郵戶口 c.c.給我,那會這樣的?
你用"email addresses for sale" 來google 一下,就知道有很多人在網上兜售,宣稱手上有幾百萬個電郵地址。那些壞人是用電腦程式掃瞄互聯網,搜集所有XXX@XXX.com的字串,總之是有殺錯,無放過,編製他們的名單。
據悉很多人的電郵密碼就是 123456 , 888888 或 ABCDEF,騙徒就算不靠複雜程式解碼,亂撞撞中也非不可能。
感謝 子貓物語 提供以上資料
子貓物語的網誌: http://chrisleung1954.blogspot.hk/