名曲Time To Say Goodbye

子貓物語 於 2013-10-14 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 283

名曲Time To Say Goodbye,原本是新創作的意大利情歌,1995年由失明的古典男高音 Andrea Bocelli 灌錄為單曲唱片,在法國和比利時成為最暢銷唱片。

更上一層樓,1997年 Andrea Bocelli 在意大利Tuscany開個人演唱會,英國女高音 Sarah Brightman(名作曲家 Andrew Lloyd-Webber的妻子) 和他合唱這首歌,濃情化不開的演繹,傾倒萬千樂迷。以下是同年Brightman在英國倫敦開演唱會時,Bocelli 來作表演嘉賓的合唱片段。大家看看,便會知道我所言不謬:



名曲Time To Say Goodbye英文部分的歌詞

When I am alone I sit and dream
And when I dream the words are missing
Yes I know that in a room so full of light
That all the light is missing
But I don't see you with me, with me
Close up the windows, bring the sun to my room
Through the door you've opened
Close inside of me the light you see
that you met in the darkness

Time to say goodbye
Horizons are never far
Would I have to find them alone
without true light of my own with you
I will go on ships over seas
that I now know
No, they don't exist anymore
It's time to say goodbye

When you were so far away
I sit alone and dream of the horizon
Then I know that you are here with me, with me
Building bridges over land and sea
Shine a blinding light for you and me
To see, for us to be

Time to say goodbye
Horizons are never far
Would I have to find them alone
without true light of my own with you
I will go on ships over seas
that I now know
No, they don't exist anymore
It's time to say goodbye

so with you I will go
on ships over seas
that I now know
No, they don't exist anymore
It's time to say goodbye

so with you I will go...

I love you




感謝 子貓物語 提供以上資料

子貓物語的網誌: http://chrisleung1954.blogspot.hk/


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